Dne 07. 08. 21 v 23:59 Kevin Fenzi napsal(a):
On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 04:04:33PM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
Dne 30. 06. 21 v 15:04 Richard W.M. Jones napsal(a):
In unrelated news, what happened to the <pkg>-owner@fedoraproject.org
email addresses?  They seem to be bouncing for me.

Please see the "package maintainer email aliases, now with more epel" email
from Kevin. The -owner alias was deprecated already for quite some time
AFAIK, probably since we moved away from pkdgb to Pagure.

BTW there is some documentation at:


but it would deserve small refresh.
Sorry for the very late post to this thread.

I had it marked for me to update the wiki, and I finally managed to get
to doing that. :)



I made this change for consistency:



Let me know (or better yet, just update the wiki) if you can see any
better way to say that. 


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