On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <dominik@greysector.net> wrote:
Really? Have you tried? Have you tried with some first-time user? I don't know
so I'm asking.
As I said It was tried by a LUG here. Most of the users were newbies but a few had some experience. And almost all of them found the startup menu too confusing to handle.
Was it specifically because there were too many applications installed
or was it something else?
According to the feedbacks we received, there were too many tools to do the same work. Also the menu had too many options which made it difficult to get the best available tool.
As a newbie, instead of testing some 4-6 tools they are more interested in getting an optimized selection at first. But after a week or two, they tend to explore around and this is when the repositories are required.

Aditya Patawari
Join Live DVD SIG : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/LiveDVD