
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:45 PM, Josh Boyer <jwboyer@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Jan Kurik <jkurik@redhat.com> wrote:
> = Proposed System Wide Change: Suds Jurko Fork =
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Suds_Jurko_Fork
> Change owner(s):
> * Scott Talbert <swt AT techie DOT net  >
> Change the python-suds package to use the fork maintained by Jurko Gospodnetić.
> == Detailed Description ==
> Suds is a SOAP-based web service client for Python which is currently
> packaged in Fedora as python-suds. This change proposal aims to update
> the python-suds package to use the fork maintained by Jurko
> Gospodnetić. Currently Fedora has the original version of Suds which
> has not been maintained or updated since 2011. The original version
> does not support Python 3.
> == Scope ==
> Proposal owners:
> * Update existing python-suds package to suds-jurko and ensure it
> builds/works in Rawhide. (NOTE: proposal owner is not currently the
> maintainer of python-suds, but would intend to assume maintainership
> as part of this change.) The plan is to use the latest hg snapshot of
> suds-jurko.

+1 for this change.

suds-jurko is used in upstream OpenStack Cinder < https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/requirements.txt#L49 >.
Has the current python-suds maintainer been contacted about this
change directly?  If so, did they have an opinion on it?

I have contacted the maintainer personally, but does not heard from him back.
> * In conjunction with the python-suds dependent package maintainers,
> help test dependent packages to ensure they work correctly with the
> new package.
> Other developers:
> * For maintainers of packages that depend on python-suds: test the
> dependent packages to ensure they work correctly with the updated
> python-suds package. No changes should be needed as the Jurko fork is
> believed to maintain compatibility with the original Suds.

Can someone actually check this for compatibility instead of just believing?


Chandan Kumar