On Mon, Aug 11, 20
> > [Unit]
> > Description=Grow the root partition
> > After=systemd-readahead-collect.service systemd-readahead-replay.service
> > Before=systemd-fsck@.service sysroot.mount
> This will not work. "systemd-fsck@.service" is is not a unit name (but
> just a template for unit names), and dependencies may only be declared
> relative to other units, never to templates. (I admit though that this
> might be useful to have, but then again, I am not sure how we could
> implement this nicely...).
> My recommendation would be to add a dropin file
> systemd-fsck@.service/foobar.conf or so, which adds the reverse
> dependency of the one you are looking for. Or in other words: extend the
> systemd-fsck@.service definition, instead of your growroot.service definition.

Are you saying I should replace the existing systemd-fsck@.service file with my own version or what exactly do you mean by 'extending'?
