On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Adam Miller <maxamillion@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 11:00:43AM -0600, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Abiword is currently broken in f16/rawhide due to the retiring of
> link-grammar (a FTBFS retiree).
> This is currently breaking the Xfce, LXDE, and soas spins.
> Would someone be interested in reviving link-grammar and possibly
> helping out updating/maintaining abiword?
> I've also sent email to the abiword maintainer, but they haven't
> commited to abiword in almost a year. Others have been fixing it. ;(
> I'd guess the next steps would be:
> * update link-grammar and get it building/working.
> * submit a review for it and get it back in.
> * update abiword and rebuild to use that version of link-grammar.
> kevin

Would an option be to just retire abiword? Its slowly gotten less useful
in most cases because it doesn't handle formats near as well as it once
did (even .odt ... going from libreoffice to abiword is ... well,
painful) and if upstream isn't contuning development on it is there much
motivation to keep it alive? (I'm not entirely familiar with its user
base so my suggestion might be heavily greated with "OMG NOES!" replies
and if that's the case then by all means keep the train moving forward
... I just hate to unnessecary work done.)

Also, biw

OMG NOES! It is used by OLPC and I use it constantly as its infinitely faster than oowriter for basic documents.
