Dne 22.6.2017 v 17:15 Petr Šabata napsal(a):
While playing with Base Runtime container base images we noticed
that some packages couldn't be installed with coreutils-single
due to their /bin file dependencies.  Unlike the original
coreutils package, coreutils-single doesn't provide the
pre-UsrMove paths.

Now there are at least two ways to resolve this.  We either

a) change all the packages that depend on /bin/* coreutils
paths, or
b) we add the respective /bin provides to coreutils-single.

Reading the packaging guidelines[0], I'd lean towards "fixing"
the coreutils subpackage, while the coreutils maintainers
believe we should change packages that depend on obsolete paths.

For the record, there appear to be only 25 binary packages that
depend on /bin coreutils paths[1];

What is the source of this /bin dependencies? Are they autogenerated or maintainers are using R: /bin/someutil (where they should be using %{_bindir}/someutil)?


 patching coreutils is also

I'm curious as to what other people think about both this
specific case as well as how to solve these issues in general.


[0] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Effect_of_the_UsrMove_Fedora_Feature
[1] https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/v-SDa5byzWT93OKPWZ~XKQ/
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1463384#c1

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