Shared message to address an issue below.

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Subject: ImageMagick in EPEL 8
Date: Wed, 25 May 2022 15:20:54 -0700
From: Patrick J. LoPresti <>

Hi. I just noticed that ImageMagick in EPEL for RHEL8 uses major version number 7, as in "".

I have a number of binaries compiled for RHEL7 against ImageMagick, where the major number was 6, as in "". These binaries do not run on RHEL8 because of this major version mismatch.

Has the .so really changed in a backwards-incompatible way? (When I symlink the .so.6 -> .so.7 libraries, all of my RHEL7-compiled applications appear to run.) If not, can I request that the version in EPEL change to use .so.6?


 - Pat