On Thu, 28 Dec 2023 at 17:24, Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@courier-mta.com> wrote:
Stephen Smoogen writes:

> I am trying to figure out the logic of this section:
> ```
>     static char * lastUname = NULL; // So lastUname is NULL
>     static uid_t lastUid;
>     if (!thisUname) {
>         lastUname = rfree(lastUname); // lastUname should still be NULL and 
> we are freeing NULL and setting itself back to NULL.
>         return -1;
> ```
> I expect this is where I am not understanding something basic in C from too 
> many years in non-pointer land. I looked at the change of these lines and 
> they date back to this commit. 

This is a fairly common kind of simple caching to avoid expensive 
username/userid and groupname/groupid lookups by caching the last one. This 

Yeah I completely forgot that static allows for caching so I was misreading this as 'always set to NULL at the beginning.'


And thanks for opening a bug. I will watch to see what happens. 

Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
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