On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Václav Pavlín <vpavlin@redhat.com> wrote:
Currently this file is part of systemd package which doesn't seem to be right. It contains default values specific for distribution, is not part of systemd upstream repository and is maintained downstream.

Right, it's a lame workaround for a lack of higher order structure beyond "set of packages".

Based on these arguments, I'd like to propose to move this file to the fedora-release package (or elsewhere, if you can suggest better place).

That's only a mild improvement.

An example off top of my head - we would like to have sshd enabled after installation by default on server, but disabled on workstation.

Right!  As people elsewhere mentioned, having separate server and client -release packages would be better.

So on this topic, for rpm-ostree, I am doing this:


You can see here that each tree has a meaningful purpose - for the server/docker tree, you get docker.

What I want to do is move towards having the RPMs be predictable "raw material".  For example, *no* service starts by default.  Then higher level tools (anaconda, downstream kickstart files, rpm-ostree), act on that raw material and configure it.

(Yes, this would be painful for storage daemons...but at least it'd be consistent and predictable)