On Jul 18, 2016 10:30 PM, "Jeremy Fergason" <jeremy.fergason@gmail.com> wrote:

> 3) Swift relies on LLDB for it’s REPL functionality on linux.  This is annoying because it creates a custom version of LLDB that conflicts with the main lldb package.  I can’t see anyway around this conflict as it is a core assumption in the swift programming language.  You can’t move the package to another location because swift searches for the first available lldb on the path.  As far as I can tell the only way to deal with this is to add a conflict with the lldb package to the swiftlang-bin package.  Any other ideas short of getting the swift crew to change a fundamental design decision?

Install the swift version of lldb as swift-lldb and patch swift's REPL to look for swift-lldb?
