On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 5:16 PM Ben Cotton <bcotton@redhat.com> wrote:

== Summary ==
Improve compression ratio of SquashFS filesystem on the installation media.

== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:bkhomuts|Bohdan Khomutskyi]]
* Email: bkhomuts@redhat.com

I think we should aim for faster installations and lower cpu usage (zstd), not smaller ISO size (xz). 

Saving 142 MBs isn't going to make a huge difference in download times (disclaimer: I don't know how is the internet connection speed in other areas, I have not that fast connection of 200mbps down (slowest possible in my area), so 142 MB saving would make roughly 6 seconds difference myself). 

On the other hand, saving minutes in the installation process (as seen with zstd if I am reading the numbers correctly) is not only going to help users with installation times, but also us, Fedora QA, with faster testing, both manual and automated (OpenQA).

Also, (I am not a marketing expert) I think that having a faster installation process with slightly larger download is going to make the installation process feel faster and help Fedora perception.