John M. Harris Jr <> 于 2020年7月26日周日 下午1:02写道:
On Saturday, July 25, 2020 4:28:19 PM MST Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> On 7/25/2020 3:39 PM, John M. Harris Jr wrote:
> > The solution is to run the following command:
> >
> > `dnf install $package`. This will install your arch's version of the
> > package you're looking for.
> John,
> This is neither helpful, nor warranted. It is clear that you don't like
> the direction that Fedora is going,

What exactly do you mean by that? That's helpful, that's how you install a
package for your arch. I don't have any issue with where Fedora is going,
though I certainly do intend to weigh in on actual Changes, which this was
not, to try to keep Fedora going in the right direction. Not every Change is
good. Not every Change is bad.

> so perhaps it's time that you left the project and stop commenting in the
> mailing list.

That's not very kind.. Please don't be so hostile with members of the Fedora
community. There are people around here who may not take these sorts of
comments as I do, and I'm pretty sure people would waste time trying to do CoC
violation nonsense with you.
Yes... I think that response is not kind, which is not suitable in this list. We should be kind to each other anyway.

But your advice to use dnf is not a good one. The thread is about the topic of using silverblue, dnf won't apply here unless with fedora-toolbox and using rpm-ostree to layering needs reboot and is not the best-practice.

> Your needs and wants are completely different than the direction Fedora is
> going and you are attempting to impede progress by nay-saying every single
> change that comes across and then poo-pooing newer technologies such as
> flatpak.

I fail to see where there's anything about a Change in the email I responded
to. I simply provided instructions for installing a package for the system's

> I suggest you move project that doesn't move as quickly so that you can
> keep things the way you like it, such as Debian, or perhaps even Devuan
> since you seem to have a disdain for systemd as well. Either way, you
> need to stop posting to this list.

I like that Fedora gets me the latest tech as soon as it's reasonably stable.
That's one of the many reasons I'm involved in the Fedora project. Further, I
have no issue with systemd doing its job, being an init system. My problem is
when everything else gets thrown under the systemd name.

> Your comment shows that you don't like flatpaks, and that's fine and you
> can have that opinion, but you didn't need to respond at all.

I don't understand what you mean by that. If I'm not mistaken, the question
was how to install a Fedora package for the host arch.

John M. Harris, Jr.

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