On 29 January 2018 at 19:06, Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> As now with file trigger changes are committed and new glibc packages will
> be in rawhide repo it should be mass change removing all ldconfig execution
> from **ALL** Fedora specs.

While I agree that this is needed, why do you point on this here? I mean it's
obvious to everyone that this should be done. No need to point on obvious

Because similar changes even this one which you only recently started never have been finished.
Don't get me wrong. You are doing great job. Method used so far in Fedora are only wrong ..

I'm only asking to finish first what already have been started before you will put on uour desk next mass change.

Also, are you interested to just write on ML what other people should do or you
want to help? If former, then please stop (because it is just disturbing and
not friendly). If latter, I'm happily will use script you have or you are going
to write.

I've already wrote you in the ticket about remove icons caches updates that remove desktop file cashes does not make any sense to start before remove icons theme caches will be finished because quite often those updates are in line above or below.
I'm simple waiting with raise next MCRs until prev changes will be finished.

I cannot help you on those changes because I have no proven packager privs.
If on next MCR you want me to deliver you list of patches and list of files which needs to be applied on exact packages please do not force me or people like me to do update those parches because someone else just after generate thse patches made next batch of some past MCR changes still not finishing those changes across all no touched specs.

As I wrote already I have at least few tenths other MCRs to discuss and introduce but I refuse to cooperate in conditions when none of those changes will be not really done from top to bottom. Is it now clear?
This is not about me or you. This is about GENERAL METHODOLOGY!!
We can do more together but you cannot just drop one change in the middle and go to start another one ..
So again: please finish at lease PR 736 before you will start with ldconfig to allow me start preparing next MCR when you will be working on ldconfig.

If you are taking care if exact MCR please clean everything around with documentation and for example update rpmlint as well. 
Such MCR coordinator does not need to do everything. Other people may help him/her but this person should be at least coordinating everything and at the and whole MCR checklist is in finished state.

This is like with with problems on taking care of the production issues or faults.
Always needs to be someone who is controlling whole situation but this person does not need to to person doing all OS, HW, app, db related things which needs to be changed.
At the end such person in bigger organisation sometimes is taking responsibility to teach other technical personnel about how to prevent similar faults.

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/FXPWxH