Awesome info, thank you Miro :]


Radka Janeková
.NET Engineer, Red Hat
IRC: radka | Freenode: Rhea

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 10:04 AM, Miroslav Suchý <> wrote:
Dne 28.6.2018 v 18:18 Radka Janekova napsal(a):
> Hi, we've got some issues that were resolved[1] and I was wondering if anyone could give me a bit better idea when would
> it make into copr?

It's now fixed in Mock git/master. First, it must be in proper mock release. I made last release 2 weeks ago. This
change was done after the release. The cadence of Mock releases are usually every 2 months (more or less).

On 14th August there will be Fedora branching and I will have to release new mock-core-configs so I guess it will be
time for new mock release as well. In July, I am on vacation and I cannot do the release anyway.

Once released, it has to get to Fedora stable. That's usually 2-5 days. Then it is automatically used by Copr.

To sum it up, around 18th August, this bugfix should land in Copr.

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