THis is what it shows in rawhide

[root@server network-scripts]# iwlist wlan0 scanning
wlan0     Failed to read scan data : Resource temporarily unavailable


On 5/24/07, Steve Hill <> wrote:
On Thu, 24 May 2007, Andy Green wrote:

> AIUI the situation is that i*p*w3945 is the older driver using the older
> kernel 80211 stack.  iwlwifi and later i*w*l3945 are both names used for
> the same newer driver which uses the newer mac80211 stack in the kernel.
> So they can't really "ship both" iwl3945 and iwlwifi because they are

Ok - my mistake.  I was a bit thrown by the name change from "iwlwifi" in
test4's kernel to "iwl3945" in rawhide's combined with the change from not
working at all to sort-of-working in an unstable way. :)

Slightly connected with this - is
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 still considered the correct
place for network configuration?  If I set up my iwl3945 through the GUI
configurator it doesn't appear to store the ESSID or WEP key in that file
(and won't associate with the access point when I ifup the interface).

Setting the configuration manually in the ifcfg-wlan0 file seems to work,
except booting with the wifi kill-switch on (so the wlan0 NIC never
appears) results in the ifcfg-wlan0 file being *removed* automagically on
boot. (!)  Removing configuration seems quite wrong and is a problem
for me since my notebook appears to always power up with the wifi disabled
unless I push the button during boot (I've not yet figured out if there's
a way I can force it to always come up with it enabled...)

I will do some more debugging this evening to see what's going on - it
could just be me being stupid of course. :)


  - Steve

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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