
To provide another data point, here my desktop :

1. runs network services (because webmail just works locally and remotely, unlike evo which has been a crasher for as long as I can remember)

2. uses dyndns (evil I know) and with the systemd/networkmanager changes ddclient does not seem to register ip changes centrally anymore. So I'd like to keep dhcp leases as long as possible

3. uses a high efficiency low-noise PSU, which does not like power ups at all (in fact restarting the computer now takes a dozen tries, with minutes waiting for caps to drain ; yes I could change the hardware but it works fine under load and a new PSU is how many years of energy savings again ?).

4. Runs rawhide, so I prefer controlling reboot/startup times, to avoid crashing the system at a time I'm not available to fix it. One side-effect of the last shutdown is gnome-shell crashing on login when I don't have the time to investigate it.

So anyway you look at it, this change is a bloody nuisance

As many real-life setups it is much more complex that paper desktop abstractions.

Nicolas Mailhot