On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 21:23, Andrew Overholt <overholt@redhat.com> wrote:
* darrell pfeifer <darrellpf@gmail.com> [2009-05-09 17:54]:
> Are you starting eclipse with a brand new workspace? If so the empty dialog
> problem has been around for a long time. I think it is actually due to a gtk
> update. An empty workspace displays the big-buttoned welcome screen, which is
> what I think is having problems.

This "has problems" because some XULRunner interfaces that SWT's browser
support uses have changed a few times.  The welcome screen is rendered
by the browser.

Is the welcome screen broken in rawhide right now?  I've been working
with the 3.5 pre-release packages we're targetting at F-12 so haven't
seen if recent XULRunner updates have broken SWT's browser component.

It is still broken with the combination of 3.5M6 (from eclipse.org), java 1.6.0_14 b06 (from sun) and today's rawhide.
