Thanks Kevin for all this help. I understand that mirroring it will be difficult due to space constraints. I'll take this to fedora infrastructure as soon as we have enough members on SIG. I see that you haven't joined the SIG yet, please do join it soon.

Live DVD SIG :

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 11:59 PM, Kevin Kofler <> wrote:

I can take up the idea of a KDE Live DVD with KDE SIG. (I'm cross-posting
this mail to fedora-kde.) The DVD size would allow us to include more stuff,
like translations (kde-l10n-*, those are fairly huge and there are many
supported languages), input method support (the current GNOME live CDs
include that, but we weren't able to fit it on the KDE ones), additional
applications (there are plenty of nice KDE apps, and we might also consider
including stuff like OO.o), maybe upstream wallpapers (not as the default,
but as options). We've found the CD size to be very limiting.

That said, getting the DVDs (also your GNOME one) mirrored might be non-
trivial, especially in the beginning, as there's already (still) the
installer DVD as well as both live CDs for mirrors to carry.

       Kevin Kofler

fedora-devel-list mailing list

Aditya Patawari
Birla Institute Of Technology, Mesra