On 10/17/2014 11:29, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Tom Rivers  wrote:

I didn't call them stupid - in fact I suggested just the opposite. Go back and read what I wrote.

I did.  You said "My point is that users aren't too stupid to understand bandwidth/processor considerations".  I am just saying even if one doesn't understand these considerations, they aren't stupid.

If you deconstruct the sentence you quoted above, it boils down to the subject "users" and the predicate "aren't".  Therefore I said quite specifically that users ARE NOT "too stupid to understand bandwidth/processor considerations."  The inverse of that statement is the users ARE "smart enough to understand bandwidth/processor considerations."

More to the point, I went on to bolster the notion that Linux users are capable of understanding what's at play by saying this:  "These are Linux users after all."  That sentence is meant to infer that using Linux requires a decent amount of skill, something that again goes against the notion that I have somehow called them stupid.

Overall, the entire point of me advocating that users should be asked whether they want to endure large amounts of bandwidth/processor usage during system updates is predicated on the notion that they CAN answer the question intelligently.  It would make absolutely no sense to posit querying users if they couldn't respond intelligently.

Please don't persist in asserting I'm saying people are stupid.  It quite simply is not the case.
