On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 at 16:21, John Harris <johnmh@splentity.com> wrote:
On Thursday, January 31, 2019 2:09:08 PM EST Chris Murphy wrote:
> And that is the most central problem with the license, and why it
> isn't free for everyone all of the time. The idea free licenses can
> have gray areas where they aren't free, pollutes the free license
> ecosystem with confusion. And it burdens users who aren't sure of
> their usage with having to hire a lawyer to find out. So the answer
> is, it's not a free license. We can't have people downloading Fedora
> who use it for building a service and then they end up snared in a
> lawsuit because 'oh fuck we're using MongoDB! and we didn't know about
> this! we thought Fedora was only free software!'

Even taken to an extreme, it would likely be sufficient to link to Fedora's
sources on any software used to provide MongoDB as a service, assuming their
service itself is free software.

For the last time, please move this to the legal list, a blog, or your own tweet stream. This isn't the list for non-lawyers to discuss how they think law, licenses and contracts 'work' just because it looks just like COBOL.  

Stephen J Smoogen.