On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at> wrote:
Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Apparently, there are two camps of packagers in Fedora/EPEL. Those who
> want:
> 1) single version of .spec file to cover the whole Red Hat ecosystem.
> 2) clean .spec file following the latest and greatest packaging practices.

I am actually inbetween: I want a single version of the .spec file to cover
all Fedora releases (and I care a lot about that, since I will push updates
to all releases if they do not contain any breaking changes that break user
expectations), but I do NOT want to support the ancient EL releases (which
is a pleonasm, i.e., even the most recent EL is ancient by Fedora

I pretty much fall into camp #1 as well. Most of the packages I maintain are end user applications and there's usually no reason to NOT update all supported releases of Fedora and EPEL, so my workflow is generally:

1. Update rawhide (pseudo branch "n") and make sure the build completes before doing any other builds.
2. fedpkg switch-branch <n-1>
3. git merge master && git push && fedpkg build --nowait
4. Wash / rinse / repeat 2 & 3 for each supported branch.

I also do the same for libraries for MINOR non-abi breaking releases.
