On 01/09/2014 07:23 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 09.01.2014 22:16, schrieb Przemek Klosowski:
By the way, currently the protected list seems to be  'yum, systemd and running kernel'. 
I don't have a system to try it on
what about the machine you sitting in front of?
without -y flag yum asks if you mean your input serious
OK, I just wasn't not man enough to try it :). I was planning to set up a test machine to check it but didn't have time yet.

so I just hope that one can't delete their dependencies either (glibc? what else?)
if you think one second about dependencies are solved you know what happens
Obviously, glibc is a dependence of pretty much everything---my point was that there are many other implicit and explicit dependencies. For instance, the entire /boot/grub2/i386-pc directory, which is not owned by any package but originates from grub.

I think you can still brick the system with careless yum erases: for instance, deleting grub
how would this delete the bootloader in the MBR?
you do not need the grub-package installed to have a bootloader
MBR is just first stage loader---not enough to bring up the system, necessarily. This is tricky: the second stage is owned by grub2 in /usr/lib/grub, and somehow transferred to /boot/grub2 but I am not sure how---the files in /boot/grub2/i386-pc are not owned by any package, so I think you're right that removing grub would not disable the system. Again, I am not man enough to try it on my work desktop.