On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 12:41 AM John M. Harris Jr. <johnmh@splentity.com> wrote:
Further, nothing in that email is what I
would describe as "uncivilized". I'm not asking people to necessarily agree
with me, everyone is welcome to their own opinions, I simply provided mine and
that of the users I work with.

I think your comments went from just being an opinion to being over the line when they assumed that everyone (except for maybe Gnome developers?) agreed with your opinion.  When you use phrases like "it just works for everyone" or "Things everyone hates" (to use your exact words), it marginalizes those who share a difference of opinion.  While my own opinions on many topics don't necessarily match up with those of others in the Fedora community, I would hope that my comments and opinions would never make anyone else feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.  There is plenty of room in Fedora for differences of opinion, as long as we try to keep a high level of respect and dignity for those with different views.

Please be a bit more thoughtful in the words you use to express your opinions.
