On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 7:19 AM, Dave Johansen <davejohansen@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Rex Dieter <rdieter@math.unl.edu> wrote:
Dave Johansen wrote:

> I would like to create Qwt and QwtPolar packages for Qt5 and before
> opening the Bugzilla I wanted to check if there was any feedback on here.
> I have spec files and source RPMs available at:
> https://daveisfera.fedorapeople.org/qwt-qt5/qwt-qt5.spec
> https://daveisfera.fedorapeople.org/qwt-qt5/qwt-qt5-6.1.1-3.el6.src.rpm
> https://daveisfera.fedorapeople.org/qwtpolar-qt5/qwtpolar-qt5.spec
> https://daveisfera.fedorapeople.org/qwtpolar-qt5/qwtpolar-qt5-1.1.1-2.el6.src.rpm
> I'm primarily interested in the RHEL 6/7 and haven't tested this on
> Fedora, so if anyone is willing to build it and do some testing, then that
> would be helpful as well.

Qwt-qt5 support is in rawhide, but I was waiting for upstream to decide on a
standard naming scheme before building for stable releases. (They previously
used the same library sonames for both Qt4 and Qt5, which isn't nice when
you want both to be parallel-installable).

Will probably have to do the same for qwtpoloar.

I didn't realize that had been done in rawhide. Your solution of having a single spec file to build both is probably easier to maintain and seems like the write way to go.

I just realized that there's a potential problem for EPEL 6. It currently has qwt 5.1.1 and it's part of the base OS and not an EPEL package, so it's not possible to do the single spec file solution.

So what's everyone's thoughts on this? Should it just be a separate package called qwt-qt5 in EPEL 6? Or is there a better solution?