On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 9:20 PM Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com> wrote:

Unfortunately, it doesn't scale for the large number of packages we
have. Pull requests would work if we had mergify[1] working on
Dist-Git, otherwise I can't see how it'd work.

[1]: https://github.com/Mergifyio/mergify-engine

Since some months we (the team that maintain softwarefactory-project.io and review.rdoproject.org) are working on making Zuul [1] compatible with Pagure in order to implement a packager workflow through Zuul's jobs around the Pull Request model.
Zuul is a powerful gating system, scalable, that support cross-repository jobs and artifacts sharing between jobs out of the box. Zuul's jobs are Ansible playbooks.

We managed to do great progress that we shown at last Flock. We are tracking the progress in this EPIC [2].
Here is how a project is configured: [3], the template is defined like so: [4], and here the job definition of rawhide-rpm-scratch-build: [5]

Zuul's jobs configuration is flexible and we can provide templates that fit different needs, whether the packager want a full workflow (from the scratch build, various validation jobs such as linting/rpminspect to the regular build) or just the scratch build.

We will soon propose this as an opt-in service for the interested packagers. CI resources capacity will come from softwarefactory-project.io.