On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Till Maas <opensource@till.name> wrote:
Since the mass rebuild will start in a week (2014-06-06) it is a good
time to start cleaning up Fedora. After the mass rebuild, packages that
fail to build for two releases will be be added to this list. Since this
is the first run after adapting the script to pkgdb2, there might be
some errors here, please report them.

Many, many errors.  For one, curl isn't orphaned.  For another, CUnit is orphaned but has 3 comaintainters, not the huge number reported, unless I'm misunderstanding.  Though on seconf look it looks like that's caused by CUnit being required by curl.  So maybe the output needs restructuring.  And one of the CUnit comaintainers needs to take ownership.


in your fear, seek only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie