Dne 27. 03. 24 v 7:40 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
Dne 26. 03. 24 v 6:00 odp. Artur Frenszek-Iwicki napsal(a):
If we're going to introduce any kind of (semi-)automatic
conversion of existing license tags, I think it'd be good
to make "convert «and» and «or» to upper-case"
part of the process.


[0] https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/v2.3/SPDX-license-expressions/#d2-case-sensitivity


BTW based of the feedback of all of you and because it is very common error in writing SPDX formula in SPDXv3 it will likely be allowed to use "and", "or".


I wish there was also comma operator `,` with the meaning of `AND`, that could be useful.

Just FTR, I have opened this RPM discussion a while ago:


Just to realize not long ago that one hurdle is how to merge the tags together, because RPM itself does not know anything about SPDX or any other license identifiers. If needed, comma would be the most natural operator for list of licenses.

Not mentioning, it does not have issues with upper / lower case and writing ", " instead of " AND " requires just 40 % of the effort.
