Hi, As nobody else seems to be answering (at least publically), possibly since today is a holiday in the U.S.A., let me toss in my $0.02. I'm not even much of a contributor (yet at least) but I've seen and to some extent participated in the discussions.
Alex Perez wrote:
I'm writing this e-mail because I've recently noticed that the most recent release of Fedora Core (2) does not contain any GNUstep packages, and as I've just installed it after getting sick and tired of Debian, I'd like to change that.
In fact it's alive and well, and with the inclusion of GNUstep packages into Fedora Core, one of the more popular distributions of Linux, we will gain the potential to expose many more people to GNUstep and its offerings.
I believe that it is quite unlikely that yet another desktop environment will be added to the core distribution for FC3, especially with the recent discussions about possibly trimming down the core distribution and putting more things in Extras. However, GNUstep sounds like a perfect fit for Fedora Extras, so please do submit your packages for Fedora.us QA and inclusion according to the Fedora Package Submission Policy: http://www.fedora.us/wiki/PackageSubmissionQAPolicy
Fedora Extras is an official add-on repository for Fedora Core. My understanding is that it will at some point be moved to Red Hat hosting of the build system etc. although that isn't running yet, for now Fedora.us is Fedora Extras. By having your packages there you'll get visibility and an easy install for the Fedora community, and if GNUstep turns out to be popular it is possible that it could be included in the core distribution down the road.
I am not subscribed to the fedora-devel mailing list and do not wish to be unless I am "accepted" and allowed to create and provide GNUstep packages to Fedora.
Perhaps getting the packages into Extras will be enough to entice you to get on board? ;)