On 2013-02-05 20:06, Reindl Harald wrote:
what makes me rellay angry (as one who never used and will use GNOME and i knew GNOME 1.0 and KDE 1.0 as well where most users of today not heard about linux at all) is that the GNOME developers did NOT learn ANYTHING by the KDE4.0 disaster and that distributions are not straight enough to show ignorant upstream "if you think you can abuse all your users by present a completly different desktop with thse same name we stop supporting you" - no "lala i follow blindly"

As one with memories of OpenLook, CDE, Gnome 1.0 and others...I think we have two things in this thread: whether to have a default alternative for new users (attracting most of the QA resources we have available), and what a default alternative should be.

I leave  the "no default desktop" discussion aside, we shouldnt it have unless some on this list are feeling so strong about the GNOME3 evilness. So remaining question is IMHO what default alternative we should use.

I wouldn't say Fedora "follows blindly" but rather chooses an upstream from some alternatives (their ability to handle feedback from us beeing one ot the criterias).  I think the discussion in this thread has shown that GNOME3 is really the best option, the developer resources maybe being the best argument.

That said, one question is in the air for those of us with so long memories: are we able to adapt to a changing (desktop) environment?

Personally, I really like GNOME3. But if Fedora for reasons unknown decided to choose another desktop I think I would just stick to GNOME3, installing it and then use it as long as it was a viable alternative. Can't see this as a big issue.

Just my 5 öre
