On 5/3/07, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at> wrote:
Jos Poortvliet <jos <at> mijnkamer.nl> writes:
> It sounds like I can mention Fedora only has the base packages, mostly aimed
> at developers. Can you point me to a location I can link to where users can
> get these packages (or instructions how to get them)?

They are in the kde-redhat unstable repository.

        Kevin Kofler

Thank you.
This is more or less what will be mentioned:

Additionally, there are distro packages becoming available. Packages are (or will be very shortly) available for:<br>
- <a href=" http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha1.php">Kubuntu</a><br>
- <a href="http://en.opensuse.org/KDE4 ">OpenSuse</a> <br>
- <a href="http://ranger.users.finkproject.org/kde/index.php/Home">OS X</a> <br>
- <a href="still to be located">Debian</a> <br>
Some distributions only have some KDE 4 packages, like the KDE libraries and the basic desktop, but those are mainly intended for developers so they can easily work on KDE 4 applications:<br>
- <a href="http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/">Fedora</a> <br>