
I would be happy to help package Nix on Fedora. I prepared a SPEC[1] some time ago.

The issue I hit was building documentation. It depends on mdBook[2]. Without documentation manual and `nix-env --help` doesn't work.



[1] https://github.com/pszubiak/rpms/tree/master/nix

[2] https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook

On Mon, 2023-11-27 at 10:09 +0530, Riya Bisht wrote:
This email was sent from outside of ESO from the address [devel-bounces@lists.fedoraproject.org]. If it looks suspicious, please report it to phishing@eso.org.
I use NixOS as my daily driver and currently researching on nix. I am interested to help with nix.  


On Sun, 26 Nov 2023, 16:47 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> wrote:

I'm looking for co-maintainers for nix.

We had a plan to add support for nix to mkosi, but it has been put on ice (*),
so my main motivation and use-case went away. But I prepared a package for nix,
i.e. the big binary that is used to build and manage NixOS systems (**). The
compilation and packaging of the program is one thing, but then some decisions
need to be made about how the package is integrated with the rest of the system:
nix has a whole-system mode and a per-user mode, and a bunch of different
service files… Since I'm not going to use it myself, and I don't know all the
details, I would love to have somebody who is interested in NixOS to help with
that part. There have been a few requests for nix packaging over the years, so I
hope that there might be some interest in this.

Right now the package is available from copr (**), but I'd like to submit it for
review with a comaintainer. I packaged lowdown (***), a required dependency.
Tests are disabled because "rapidtest" dependency is not available.

(*) Mkosi expects an FHS-adhereing system, and nixos is very much about not
doing that, so mkosi would need to have a lot of special-casing for nixos, and
it just doesn't seem worth it.
(**) https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/zbyszek/nixos/
(***) https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/lowdown

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