On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 9:15 AM Lukas Javorsky <ljavorsk@redhat.com> wrote:
From my point of view, it's a good idea to move them into the *-devel package.

It's more effective and ordered for future development.
Because if someone only needs a few libraries, they don't have to require the whole main package and can just require a devel package, which is the way we want it as far as I know.

That is not the case we are aiming for, as unixODBC-devel requires unixODBC, so the devel package will pull the main package as a dependency during installation. The aim is that the main package should not contain the unversioned shared libraries, as they are supposed to be used during development and not dynamic linking. But there might be a problem if client applications dynamically load the unversioned libraries, are they actually able to dlopen the versioned ones ? Even if using some kind of config file to specify the version of the shared library?




On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 8:14 AM Ondrej Dubaj <odubaj@redhat.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I would like to start a discussion about moving unversioned *.so files back to unixODBC-devel package, as they are currently in the main package. The reason for this discussion is primary have things in order according to future rhel-9.

There will potentially be a change of moving 5 files {libodbc.so libodbcinst.so libodbcpsqlS.so libodbcmyS.so libtdsS.so} to devel package, so from the maintainers/users perspective, dependent packages will have to require also the devel package and should be rebuild as well. No other changes will be made.

There seemed to be no big reason for moving the libraries to the main package in the past, so I consider f34 as a good candidate for such a change. It would be great, if  you share your opinions and concerns for this topic.

Sharing also the official documentation [1], tracker in bugzilla [2] and upcoming changes in unixODBC package [3]



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S pozdravom/ Best regards

Lukas Javorsky

Intern, Core service - Databases

Red Hat

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