Jaroslav  - you and I each have a Soapy hardware package (soapy-uhd and soapy-rtlsdr respectively) in Fedora. Doug Mitchell has packaged up soapy-airspy and soapy-hackrf in Copr and  should begin the review process for those soon.

SoapySDR 0.8.1 is available as the latest upstream.  I've built it, these 4 hardware plugins, and CubicSDR, against it for a Fedora 34 system, and while I only have an rtlsdr hardware, it appears to be working.  I'd like to push 0.8.1 into rawhide and rebuild soapy-uhd, soapy-rtlsdr, and CubicSDR against it then.

Doug - the spec file lines that reference modules0.7 need to be changed to modules* so the packages can be built against either base version.  Jaroslav's soapy-uhd package already supports this.

Upstream commit log: https://github.com/pothosware/SoapySDR/compare/soapy-sdr-0.7.2...soapy-sdr-0.8.1

