For what it's worth: I just installed the 4.13.2 kernel from the kernel-stabilization repo, and the nvidia akmod module (from negativo17 repo) failed to build (as expected). But after rebooting with the new kernel, the system uses the fallback to nouveau correctly - without any manual intervention. So, from my point of view, it seems everything works as it is supposed to (well, except the compilation failure, but that's got nothing to do with fedora).


On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 10:58 PM Nicolas Chauvet <> wrote:
2017-09-22 20:46 GMT+02:00  <>:
> Oh boy. :)
> Does anyone know if the fallback is working properly? Because if so, then
Just restoring the fact here, because despite the fallback idea is
hans/WG the implementation is "RPM Fusion Community" original works.
So yet as soon as you are using "RPM Fusion", it works as expected.

And furthermore, if you want to switch from nvidia to nouveau while
the nvidia driver remains installed, you just need to unblacklist
nouveau from cmdline (remove rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau
This is only implemented by the RPM Fusion "clean design".

And could even be improved: if anyone cares...



Nicolas (kwizart)
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