On 12 January 2017 at 14:33, Tom Hughes <tom@compton.nu> wrote:
On 12/01/17 06:59, pravin.d.s@gmail.com wrote:

On 10 January 2017 at 14:39, Tom Hughes <tom@compton.nu
<mailto:tom@compton.nu>> wrote:

    I don't really understand the logic here...

    I would expect anything in Fedora to be built with whatever
    translations are provided in the upstream release - are you saying
    that packagers are routinely removing such translations for some
    reason? or just forgetting to package the extra translations?

Yes, forgetting to pull translation is one of the problem.
Also other problem is packages updating strings after translation is
completed. This also result in loss of translation.

Right, but both of those are primarily issues for upstream rather than for Fedora packages.


    Or are you proposing that packagers should be pulling translations
    from some additional source above and beyond what upstream provides?

No, not this.


    I'm not saying we should package a tool for analysing translation
    status as I'm sure it will be useful to upstream developers but it's
    not clear how you envisage it fitting into the Fedora development

In Fedora development process, i think such a script/project will be
helpful like.
After Beta release, one can simply run this script on fully installed
translation machine and verify whether all latest translation from
upstream are available in Fedora or is there any specific string
breakage (i.e. New English words in package ).

Right, but as a Fedora packager if I have the latest upstream packaged and this script says I am missing translations what will I be expected to do about it?

You've already said you don't expect packagers to patch in the extra strings so we can rule that out.

So presumably I'm just supposed to open a bug with upstream to tell them and then hope they do a new release and that I can then get that in before GA?

Perfect. This is more from Translation team side. Since many time even after 100% translation in Zanata, we do not get those in Fedora release. Basically translators will report bugs for this.
