On 2/15/19 6:55 AM, Zygmunt Krynicki wrote:

Wiadomość napisana przez Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com> w dniu 15.02.2019, o godz. 12:51:

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 4:11 AM Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
<zbyszek@in.waw.pl> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 08:10:09AM -0500, Daniel Walsh wrote:
I have opened a Change Request to change the defaults for Fedora 31 to
Cgroups V2.  I am looking for what packages will be affected by this
change.   Basically any package that adjusts Cgroups via the CgroupFS,
my understanding is working the the systemd APIs, you should be fine.

Packages That I know will be affected:

Container Tools

* Runc, Podman, Buildah, Kubernetes, Docker, Moby-engine

Virtualization tools

* Libvirt


* jvm


* Anaconda

Anyone know of other packages?

Great news!

Can you briefly summarize the status / plans / timelines for the
affected components?
(Apart from anaconda, which doesn't need changes, we'll just flip the
default in systemd, as discussed in the other subthread.)

snapd will break in cgroupv2 mode:

I don't know of anyone working on fixing that…

I think the stance of the snapd team is that once v2 supports freezer we can have a look at adding the support.

Freezer is supposed to go into Kernel 5.1, I have been told.
There’s a snapd bug tracking this as well: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1801664

I’m happy to work on this issue once it becomes „pressing” and once the prerequisites are available. If F30 disables v1 entirely and has a kernel where we can get device, freezer and pid controllers then it’s „just” a matter of coding.

Device Cgroup is supposed to be done in eBPF, and systemd has an implementation I believe.

This is for F31 NOT f30.  Also you will be able to boot the machine in V1 mode. We are just talking about the default here.

Best regards

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