Good evening everyone,

My name is Vincent and I would like to become Fedora packager.

I'm in the last year of a master degree in applied computing. I'm know some programming langage like c/c++/c#, Web languages and especially Python2-3 and databases MariaDB.

I used Fedora since Fedora 19, but now I want to be more involved in the community. That's why I began to learn how works package management system and to create packages. During this first experience I used Fedora IRC channels to ask for help, it was really instructive to speak with motivated and skilled people. I'm looking for a sponsor to help me to become a packager. My first review:

By the way, I began to port some softwares to Python3. Pull request is still pending.
When I would have more experience, I would like join the python-devel group.

Best regards

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