On 2023-02-03 21:49, Kevin Kofler via devel wrote:
Michael Catanzaro wrote:
A PackageKit backend for dnf5 would also work and I have no doubt it
will happen regardless. Surely that'd be the best option for Fedora if
dnfdaemon does not have the same D-Bus API that PackageKit does,
because pushing dnf-specific code into upstream projects when
PackageKit exists is not very friendly.
Pushing DNF-specific code is also unlikely to happen for projects such as 
KDE Plasma Discover, so if we want those to keep working, we will need the 
PackageKit D-Bus API implemented one way or the other.

Sharing the same point of view, I failed to understand why as open source the community failed to properly produce a better documentation for a plugin and better documentation  for a cross platform front package manager like PackageKit while continuing to yet another fragmentation.
Luya Tshimbalanga
Fedora Design Team
Fedora Design Suite maintainer