Hello Jhordy!

Welcome to Fedora!  And don't worry about your English, it's excellent.

FAS:  Lailah

On Mon, 13 Sept 2021 at 00:11, Jhordy M. Caceres Guerra <jhordy.caceres@outlook.com> wrote:
Hello from Peru!

I am a software development student and I use Fedora as my main OS and I would like to start contributing. I've never contributed to any open source projects, but I have experience developing some programs (which I use daily) and I have basic / intermediate knowledge in some programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, bash and others.

For this reason I want to start as a package maintainer (from apache-rat), but I don't know how to get started (I read and did some demos as packaging, but nothing serious).


*Note: my English is not good.
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