On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 9:27 AM Igor Gnatenko <ignatenkobrain@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Well, it was retired because it did not built since F30 mass rebuild…

I went ahead and built it with the testsuite disabled for now: I suppose any Proven Packager could also have done, but yeah normally it should be done by the maintainers.
I admit the ball was dropped on this by various people (myself included), and sorry about that. [1]
The new major upstream release was also a long time coming...

But to me the deeper question is still "why are we proactively breaking the distro" in this way with package retirements by non-maintainers?

Sure FTBFS is bad but there is no need to proactively remove core packages which are still working okay.
I really really wish could stop this... causing more busy work and stress.


[1] short version is: there was a partial package owner handover which was not properly completed unfortunately.