I don't know what it's like with GNOME, but running KDE spin with the compositor set to use XRender APIs, I have had no issues with various Nvidia cards both without their nasty proprietary code thrown into an otherwise pristine system.

On March 26, 2019 7:13:18 PM EDT, Wolfgang Ulbrich <fedora@raveit.de> wrote:
I noticed that with f30-beta-1.7 an installation with a 1030GT nvidia card is much improved.
First time since more than 1 year that you can really use a livecd for installation without thinking ` better finishing the installation as far as possible`.
Thanks a lot ajax.
But honestly, for production and every day usage nvidia driver is needed.
And my card isn't really a highend nvidia card.

So, proprietary nvidia driver from rpmfusion is my criterion for using f30 graphical mode.

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