在 2013-7-16 PM7:00,"Daniel P. Berrange" <berrange@redhat.com>写道:
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 06:55:37PM +0800, Christopher Meng wrote:
> > What's the advantages exactly?
> If a package installs HTML docs into /usr/share/doc/<name>-<version>
> and you want to bookmark that in your web browser, then your bookmarks
> break everytime the RPM is updated :-(  You could of course fix this
> by keeping the existing versioned directories, and then adding a symlink
> from /usr/share/doc/<name> to the versioned directory. I have no strong
> opinion on which way is best. I'd just like to see a stable pathname for
> the docs so you can bookmark them

But from the dir name I can quickly know the version.

How many packages are needed for bookmarks?