Will this work with modules? There is the context already increased for every build ...


Dne 09. 04. 20 v 15:43 Pierre-Yves Chibon napsal(a):
Good Morning Everyone,

You may remember that Nils, Adam and pingou have been investigating what
it would take to get rid of maintaining the changelog and release fields
manually in our spec files (but still have them in the produced RPMs).

We have already discussed the idea in a few threads:
 - https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/IOUYM4GYMG64GBLPBJD6OEEU5EAXKXGC/
   announced the original idea
 - https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/FDARFS2KRWG7VAAPJYKJGUV6MEOH5P74/
   presented some of the possible approaches to do this

The result of these discussions and our investigations is `rpmautospec`

As its documentation says:
   `rpmautospec` is a program and library used to automatically generate the
    release and changelog fields in RPM spec files opting to use it.

`rpmautospec` is currently a proof of concept, we have deployed it in staging
and with this email we would like to invite you to test it there.

We have written some documentation on how `rpmautospec` works and how you
can opt in at: https://docs.pagure.org/Fedora-Infra.rpmautospec/

To interact with staging you will need:
- to use `stg-koji` instead of `koji`
- to use `fedpkg-stage` instead of `fedpkg` (``dnf install fedpkg-stage``)
- to kinit against `STG.FEDORAPROJECT.ORG`
- to test with rawhide as rpmautospec is only available there in staging at this

To remove some of the warnings thrown by `fedpkg` or to simply keep `rpmbuild`
working locally, you will have to install the `rpmautospec-rpm-macros` package
available in your nearest bodhi (it's still hot from the oven at the time of
writing this email so it hasn't made it yet to updates-testing).

Note, this task was very much time-bound for us and we reached this limit, so
this is not something that we will be heavily working on in the coming 3 months.
However, if there are sufficient people testing this in staging, providing
feedback or contributing to it, we may (depending on that feedback) look at
pushing this project forward later in the year.

Finally, while we've tried to be careful, we're sure that we've missed some
use cases and that this software isn't bug free, so please bear with us if
some of its edges are rough and report your issues/RFEs at:

Thanks in advance for your help and feedback,

Adam, Nils and Pierre

 - F32 update: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-7f41380eb9
 - F31 update: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-3ee46bf2cd
 - F30 update: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-081a876918

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