I just verified that I have the same default configuration from a clean install. Not good at all. I expected more.

Christopher L Tubbs II

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 1:41 AM, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@chello.at> wrote:

I just happened to look at the firewalld default settings, and I was not
amused when I noticed this:
>  <port protocol="udp" port="1025-65535"/>
>  <port protocol="tcp" port="1025-65535"/>
This "firewall" is a joke! ALL higher ports are wide open!

There had been a prior discussion on this list where they wanted to disable
the firewall entirely. We told them that that's a horrible idea (which it
is, of course!). But the result is that they implemented this "solution"
which is almost entirely as bad, and which additionally gives users a false
sense of security, because a "firewall" is "enabled" (for a very twisted
definition of "enabled").

IMHO, this is a major security issue that MUST be fixed. It also shows what
horribly bad an idea per-Product configuration is.

Yet another reason why you should NOT use "--product=workstation" to upgrade
your F20 to F21 (ALWAYS use "--product=nonproduct"). Installing the
"Workstation Product", or upgrading to it, will leave you with a totally
insecure system.

        Kevin Kofler

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