Missing expected images:
Kde Live i386
Workstation Live i386
Cloud base Disk i386
Minimal Disk armhfp
Cloud base Disk x86_64
Kde Live x86_64
Kde Disk armhfp
Workstation Live x86_64
Images in this compose but not 23 Branched 20150904:
Docker Filesystem x86_64
Images in 23 Branched 20150904 but not this:
Workstation Disk armhfp
Design_suite Live i386
Design_suite Live x86_64
Cinnamon Live i386
Robotics Live x86_64
Soas Live x86_64
Lxde Live i386
Mate Disk armhfp
Soas Live i386
Xfce Live x86_64
Lxde Disk armhfp
Workstation Live x86_64
Minimal Disk armhfp
Server Disk armhfp
Security Live x86_64
Workstation Live i386
Mate Live i386
Soas Disk armhfp
Security Live i386
Robotics Live i386
Cinnamon Live x86_64
Xfce Live i386
Xfce Disk armhfp
Failed openQA tests: 2 of 18
ID: 1426 Test: x86_64 universal server_no_swap
ID: 1415 Test: x86_64 universal server_repository_http_graphical
Passed openQA tests: 16 of 18
Mail generated by check-compose:
With this coming Monday being a US holiday, I propose that we cancel the
Blocker review meeting. We're currently sitting at 3/1 proposals for
Beta and Final - so I don't think it'll put us too far behind.
Of course, if someone else wants to run the meeting in my stead, that's
also fine. Otherwise, enjoy having your Monday morning back!
// Mike
Fedora QA
freenode: roshi
test-announce mailing list
I use LightDM with XFCE, and the "Switch User" option is disabled.
I tested the following fix, and it works perfectly:
I think this is a bug in Fedora's packaging. Either xfwm4 should be patched
to look foreither gdmflexiserver or dm-tool, or gdmflexiserver should be a
wrapper that looks at where the display-manager.service alias is pointing
to, and invoke the appropriate switcher.
Missing expected images:
Kde Live i386
Kde Live x86_64
Cloud base Disk i386
Kde Disk armhfp
Cloud base Disk x86_64
Images in this compose but not 23 Branched 20150903:
Workstation Live x86_64
Images in 23 Branched 20150903 but not this:
Kde Live i386
Lxde Live x86_64
Mate Live x86_64
Kde Live x86_64
Kde Disk armhfp
Docker Filesystem x86_64
Passed openQA tests: 37 of 38
1 openQA tests may be still running or broken!
Mail generated by check-compose: