Welcome to a new edition of the irregular Fedora fonts SIG status report. This time I'll detail the situation at Fedora 11 (Leonidas) release time¹.
◾◾◾ Contents
1. Fedora 11 cycle highlights: – font auto-installation — new font packaging guidelines — mass font repackaging
2. What worked and didn't work
3. How to make better future releases
4. Packaging statistics: — highlights – Fedora 11 statistics — Fedora 10 statistics
5. Current Rawhide statistics and problem report *NOT* limited to pure font packages. Read it!
◾◾◾ Fedora 11 highlights
◾◾ Font auto-installation
The big user-visible change is of course the implementation of font auto-installation: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/AutomaticFontInstallation
It's still very new, very incomplete, and probably needs tuning (we only match on script for example, but many applications know the name of the font they want). Do open PK RFEs and other bugs: — to suggest how it could be improved — if it triggers in the wrong application — if it does not trigger in an application when it should — if the font lookup fails (the code may be wrong, our definition of a script may be false, we need to add a few glyphs to existing fonts so they match, or we need to package new fonts).
However, even this first version closes a big hole in our i18n support, and will help new people join the Fedora community.
◾◾ Font packaging guidelines
The biggest change packager-side was the publication of new font packaging guidelines: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:FontsPolicy
Their objectives were: — to simplify the packaging of new fonts, — to address problems identified since their last iteration, — to make font auto-installation possible
To simplify the packaging of new fonts the guidelines were completed, clarified and simplified. More spec templates were published and their content was simplified (removal of the error-prone scriptlets manual declaration). Font packaging support files (templates, documentation) are now published in a separate rpm so packagers needn't cut and paste from the wiki anymore. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_fonts_policy_package
To make font auto-installation possible, packages based on the spec new templates automatically generate rpm metadata describing the packaged fonts.
◾◾ Mass font repackaging
Those changes in turn required the repackaging of existing Fedora fonts http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Repackaging_of_Fedora_fonts
◾◾◾ What worked and didn't work
Overall, the Fedora 11 cycle was a huge success on the fonts side (as evidenced by packaging statistics, see later). Good guidelines, wiki documentation, rpm templates, probably played a big role. Despite the huge churn update breakage was minimal.
Fedora 11 speaks for itself so I won't elaborate more on the good points.
However, there is also a dark side:
— FPC and FESCO were very late in reviewing and approving new packaging guidelines. Also, FPC requested last-minute changes in font package naming. That caused a lot of confusion in the first months of the Fedora 11 cycle. Packagers that anticipated new guidelines had to rework their packaging (sometimes, with fallout in other packages). Packagers that waited for the final guidelines publication lost many weeks resulting in an activity peak just before Fedora 11 freezes.
— many packagers didn't act on the guidelines change, or exhausted scarce support resources by being frankly uncooperative². As a result the repackaging is not complete and many fonts that *are* shipped in Fedora are not available for font auto-installation or even in the general fontconfig lists. That mostly includes both old packages inherited from pre-SIG Fedora releases, and packages recently introduced in Fedora 10.
— some support from Fedora QA would have been nice and avoided burn-out of SIG members. Though FESCO's decision to confine http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Repackaging_of_Fedora_fonts to the neither state of “approved and supported but not a Fedora 11 feature” probably didn't help.
— for the first time some packaging reviews had to be closed because their submitter went missing after a reviewer spent the time looking at his package. Reviewing packages is not fun, so this is in very bad taste.
— the number of mis-packaged font files has grown between Fedora 11 and now. (3787 to 3979). That means checking for fonts is still very low on the packager priorities, and probably indicates a failure of our review process. FPC refused an explicit line on fonts in the default review check-list.
— it would be nice to see more activity on the SIG mailing list. People do participate in the SIG and package fonts, but it happens almost exclusively in private mails, bugzilla and IRC. If people have ideas on how to revive the list, please post them³ to <fedora-fonts-list at redhat.com> (you may need to subscribe).
— the localization groups still do not collect font wishes in their locales. New fonts are still mostly identified via English internet searches.
— the font packaging wishlist still grows faster than we manage to package fonts http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Font_wishlist
— many of our our fonts are still ranked badly after closed fonts on codestyle. We need to work more on evangelising free/libre fonts. Please take the web surveys it only costs 10s of your time: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Linux_fonts_on_the_web:_CSS_and_font_surveys
◾◾◾ How to make better future releases
Here are some ways Fedora 12 could be made to rock:
1. resource problems: — need more cooperation with other Fedora groups (reviewers, QA, l10n, marketing…) — need to get the font repackaging done (a lot of it depends on non-SIG packagers) — finally have the wishlist shrink (more SIG members) – need people to blog and generally communicate about the SIG to attract more members
2. package important font sets. Both SIL and GUST have released several high-quality unicode fonts in modern (TTF/OTF) formats that we still have not packaged properly (some of them are in TEX, but not deployed in a way other applications can use them). http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Font_wishlist
3. better package infrastructure support: — fonts checks in rpmlint – fonts checks in autoqa — an rpm that allows cross-section code injection, so calling %_font_pkg populates dependencies, %install and %check automatically. Also the current way to generate – image font preview in packagekit, based on image samples included in the font packages — tune and enhance the font auto-installer
4. better font tooling support — a good automatic svg preview generator (probably based on pango-view) — a font file lint tool, so packagers can easily identify the problems to relay upstream — more and easier ways to fixup font problems (naming, content, etc) at the fontconfig level
See also: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Desktop/Whiteboards/BetterFontHandling
Please post/discuss other ideas on <fedora-fonts-list at redhat.com> (you may need to subscribe)!
◾◾◾ Packaging statistics
◾◾ Highlights
The packaging wishlist has grown 84 entries: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Font_wishlist (up from 76 in january 2009 and 56 a month before Fedora 10 release)
The packaged fonts page has grown to 98 entries: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Packaged_fonts
There were too many font packaging changes during the Fedora 11 cycle to list them all here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fonts_inclusion_history#F11 gaves a partial idea. You were all awesome! Special thanks to Tom Callaway and Ankur Sinha who regularly package some new fonts (while maintaining many others).
◾◾ Full Fedora 11 statistics (excluding updates):
– packages that declare font metadata:
⇒ 1205 files (273 MiB) in 225 packages (175 MiB) generated from 101 source packages.
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) CFF 97 39 30 6 7 PCF 204 6 6 32 52 TrueType 336 159 62 191 102 Type 1 227 21 6 13 13
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) noarch 1148 215 97 270 173 x86_64 57 10 4 2 1
Since font metadata was introduced during the Fedora 11 cycle, those 225 packages were all done or re-done since Fedora 10.
– font files in other packages (we should not find any!)
⇒ 4566 files (187 MiB) in 102 packages (594 MiB) generated from 56 source packages.
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) CFF 105 2 2 11 56 PCF 872 10 5 13 51 TrueType 182 63 38 91 505 Type 1 1074 11 9 47 71
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) i586 38 6 6 0 28 noarch 4368 66 26 171 375 x86_64 160 30 28 15 190
◾◾ Full Fedora 11 statistics (to compare)
In Fedora 10 we didn't use any special font metadata so there is only one category.
⇒ 5949 files (445 MiB) in 267 packages (1634 MiB) generated from 163 source packages.
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) CFF 186 32 27 17 251 PCF 1077 16 12 46 90 TrueType 559 186 109 267 1285 Type 1 1260 17 15 59 282
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) i386 47 12 12 1 77 noarch 5583 195 103 403 738 x86_64 319 60 59 40 818
◾◾◾ Current Rawhide statistics and problem report
This report was generated today using the repo-font-audit command available in fontpackages-devel-1.22-1.fc12 (writing this 675-line script is one reason this report is late). Full data for Fedora 10, Fedora 11, and rawhide (excluding updates) are attached to this mail.
There are probably some bugs in the script and it could be made faster and cleaner (and rewritten in python for autoqa), patches are welcome. git://git.fedorahosted.org/fontpackages.git
I won't open new bugs for the problems listed here, I hope packagers will act on this report by themselves or that QA will make sure they do.
WARNING: this is a resource-intensive script. It takes more than an hour to run on my system with the local proxy fully populated with the tested packages.
◾◾ Statistics:
– packages that declare font metadata:
⇒ 1229 files (283 MiB) in 240 packages (179 MiB) generated from 105 source packages.
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) CFF 101 41 31 6 7 PCF 204 6 6 32 52 TrueType 356 172 65 200 106 Type 1 227 21 6 13 13
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) noarch 1172 230 101 280 177 x86_64 57 10 4 2 1
☛ File size is computed as extracted, while rpm is a compressed format.
☛ Mid-term, files in legacy PCF or Type1 formats need to be converted or removed.
– font files in other packages (we should not find any!)
⇒ 4758 files (191 MiB) in 107 packages (854 MiB) generated from 58 source packages.
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) CFF 106 3 2 12 241 PCF 872 10 5 13 53 TrueType 180 65 40 93 573 Type 1 1075 12 9 47 256
Format Files rpm srpm Files (MiB) rpm (MiB) i586 38 6 6 0 30 noarch 4557 69 27 172 563 x86_64 163 32 30 17 260
☛ Bad packaging may result in arched packages or mixed content.
◾◾ Problem report:
– font files in arch packages: a2ps.i586 a2ps.x86_64 cave9.x86_64 faust-doc.x86_64 flumotion.x86_64 glob2.x86_64 GraphicsMagick-perl.x86_64 groff.x86_64 hedgewars.x86_64 ImageMagick-perl.x86_64 jfbterm.x86_64 k3d.x86_64 kdebase3.x86_64 kdebase-workspace.i586 kdebase-workspace.x86_64 koffice-core.x86_64 kst.i586 kst.x86_64 libdockapp-fonts.x86_64 libeXosip2-devel.i586 libeXosip2-devel.x86_64 [lilypond-aybabtu-fonts.x86_64] [lilypond-century-schoolbook-l-fonts.x86_64] [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts.x86_64] [lilypond-feta-alphabet-fonts.x86_64] [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts.x86_64] [lilypond-feta-fonts.x86_64] [lilypond-parmesan-fonts.x86_64] [mscore-fonts.x86_64] nethack-vultures.x86_64 [openoffice.org-opensymbol-fonts.x86_64] openscap-devel.i586 openscap-devel.x86_64 poker2d.x86_64 pygame.x86_64 rosegarden4-feta-fonts.x86_64 rosegarden4-parmesan-fonts.x86_64 scim-doc.x86_64 TeXmacs.x86_64 tuxpaint.x86_64 tuxtype2.x86_64 widelands.x86_64 wine-core.i586 x3270-x11.x86_64 xpilot-ng-server.x86_64 xpilot-ng.x86_64 xplanet.x86_64 [zvbi-fonts.x86_64]
⇒ 258 files (20 MiB) in 48 packages (292 MiB) generated from 35 source packages.
– font files installed outside /usr/share/fonts: a2ps cave9 e16-themes faust-doc flumotion glob2 GraphicsMagick-perl groff hedgewars ImageMagick-perl k3d kdebase3 kdebase-workspace koffice-core kst libdockapp-fonts libeXosip2-devel nethack-vultures openscap-devel pgfouine phoronix-test-suite poker2d poker3d-data pygame python-reportlab scim-doc seahorse-adventures stxxl-doc texlive-texmf-doc texlive-texmf-fonts TeXmacs tuxpaint tuxtype2 widelands wine-core x3270-x11 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server xplanet yofrankie-bge
⇒ 3979 files (95 MiB) in 61 packages (794 MiB) generated from 39 source packages.
☛ Font files need to be installed under the /usr/share/fonts root for fontconfig to expose them.
— fonts in packages that contain non-font data: a2ps cave9 e16-themes flumotion fonts-ISO8859-2 fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi glob2 GraphicsMagick-perl groff hedgewars ImageMagick-perl [japanese-bitmap-fonts] jfbterm k3d kdebase3 kdebase-workspace koffice-core kst libdockapp-fonts libeXosip2-devel mathml-fonts nethack-vultures openscap-devel pgfouine phoronix-test-suite poker2d poker3d-data pygame python-reportlab seahorse-adventures taipeifonts texlive-texmf-doc texlive-texmf-fonts TeXmacs tuxpaint tuxtype2 widelands wine-core [wqy-zenhei-fonts] x3270-x11 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server xplanet yofrankie-bge
⇒ 4644 files (139 MiB) in 66 packages (820 MiB) generated from 42 source packages.
☛ Every font should be installable as-is without pulling in other material.
– fonts in packages that do not declare font metadata: a2ps baekmuk-bdf-fonts cave9 e16-themes faust-doc flumotion fonts-hebrew-fancy fonts-ISO8859-2 fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi fonts-KOI8-R fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi ghostscript-fonts glob2 GraphicsMagick-perl groff hedgewars ImageMagick-perl jfbterm jisksp16-1990-fonts k3d kacst-fonts kdebase3 kdebase-workspace koffice-core kst libdockapp-fonts libeXosip2-devel linux-libertine-fonts madan-fonts mathml-fonts myanmar3-unicode-fonts nethack-vultures openscap-devel padauk-fonts paktype-fonts pgfouine phoronix-test-suite poker2d poker3d-data pygame python-reportlab rosegarden4-feta-fonts rosegarden4-parmesan-fonts scim-doc seahorse-adventures stxxl-doc taipeifonts texlive-texmf-doc texlive-texmf-fonts TeXmacs tuxpaint tuxtype2 un-core-fonts-batang un-core-fonts-batangbold un-core-fonts-dinaru un-core-fonts-dinarubold un-core-fonts-dinarulight un-core-fonts-dotum un-core-fonts-dotumbold un-core-fonts-graphic un-core-fonts-graphicbold un-core-fonts-gungseo un-core-fonts-pilgi un-core-fonts-pilgibold un-extra-fonts-bom un-extra-fonts-jamobatang un-extra-fonts-jamodotum un-extra-fonts-jamonovel un-extra-fonts-jamosora un-extra-fonts-pen un-extra-fonts-penheulim un-extra-fonts-pilgia un-extra-fonts-shinmun un-extra-fonts-taza un-extra-fonts-vada un-extra-fonts-yetgul urw-fonts widelands wine-core x3270-x11 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server xplanet yofrankie-bge
⇒ 4758 files (191 MiB) in 107 packages (854 MiB) generated from 58 source packages.
☛ Automatic font installation relies on this metadata being present to work.
– fonts in packages that do not use font package naming conventions: a2ps blender cave9 childsplay cjkuni-fonts-compat directfb e16 e16-themes [efont-unicode-bdf] egoboo-data ember-media enigma extremetuxracer faust-doc fillets-ng-data flumotion fonts-hebrew-fancy fonts-ISO8859-2 fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi fonts-KOI8-R fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi freecol glob2 gnubg GraphicsMagick-perl groff hedgewars htmldoc ImageMagick-perl jfbterm k3d kdebase3 kdebase-workspace [knm_new-fonts] koffice-core kst libeXosip2-devel libprojectM lincity-ng-data manaworld mapserver moodle moodle-km moodle-sm moodle-to munin nethack-vultures neverball nted ogre-samples openscap-devel pgfouine phoronix-test-suite php-ZendFramework-tests poker2d poker3d-data pokerth pygame python-reportlab rosegarden4 scim-doc scorched3d sdljava-demo seahorse-adventures simspark spring stellarium stxxl-doc taipeifonts tex-cm-lgc tex-kerkis texlive-texmf-doc TeXmacs TnL-data trackballs tuxpaint tuxtype2 un-core-fonts-batang un-core-fonts-batangbold un-core-fonts-dinaru un-core-fonts-dinarubold un-core-fonts-dinarulight un-core-fonts-dotum un-core-fonts-dotumbold un-core-fonts-graphic un-core-fonts-graphicbold un-core-fonts-gungseo un-core-fonts-pilgi un-core-fonts-pilgibold un-extra-fonts-bom un-extra-fonts-jamobatang un-extra-fonts-jamodotum un-extra-fonts-jamonovel un-extra-fonts-jamosora un-extra-fonts-pen un-extra-fonts-penheulim un-extra-fonts-pilgia un-extra-fonts-shinmun un-extra-fonts-taza un-extra-fonts-vada un-extra-fonts-yetgul wesnoth-data widelands wine-core wormux-data x3270-x11 xmoto xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-misc xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server xplanet yofrankie-bge
⇒ 3805 files (146 MiB) in 137 packages (1756 MiB) generated from 84 source packages.
— fonts that declare face attributes in family names: Antykwa Torunska Condensed texlive-texmf-fonts BPG Nino Medium Cond GPL&GNU [bpg-nino-medium-cond-fonts] BPG Nino Medium GPL&GNU [bpg-nino-medium-fonts] BPG Sans Medium GPL&GNU [bpg-sans-medium-fonts] BPG Sans Regular GPL&GNU [bpg-sans-regular-fonts] Charis SIL Compact [sil-charis-compact-fonts] cursor_large_black.pcf kdebase3 kdebase-workspace Ethiopic WashRa Bold [senamirmir-washra-fonts] Gentium Book Basic [sil-gentium-basic-book-fonts] Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic ghostscript-fonts Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic ghostscript-fonts Khmer OS Muol Light [khmeros-muol-fonts] LMRoman10 Demi texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10 Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman12 Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman12 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman17 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman5 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman6 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman7 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman8 Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman8 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman9 Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman9 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans10 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans12 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans17 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans8 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans9 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMSansExt8 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10 Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter12 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter8 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter9 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriterProp10 Regular texlive-texmf-fonts Serafettin Cartoon Condensed [serafettin-cartoon-fonts] Silkscreen Expanded [silkscreen-expanded-fonts]
⇒ 84 files (14 MiB) in 15 packages (97 MiB) generated from 11 source packages.
☛ To be properly processed by applications face qualifiers need to be declared in face names (there may be a few false positives here as some common face qualifiers can be used with a different meaning in family names; if that's not the case, please ask the font upstream to fix its naming).
— fonts that declare non-WWS compliant faces: Aharoni CLM, Book Oblique [culmus-aharoni-clm-fonts] AirCut, OneHundedandOne e16-themes AntykwaPoltawskiego, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts AntykwaTorunska, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts AntykwaTorunskaCond, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts AntykwaTorunskaCond, Med-Italic texlive-texmf-fonts AntykwaTorunskaCond, Med-Regular texlive-texmf-fonts AntykwaTorunskaLigh, t-Italic texlive-texmf-fonts AntykwaTorunskaLigh, t-Regular texlive-texmf-fonts Aurulent Sans, BoldItalic [hartke-aurulent-sans-fonts] Century Schoolbook L, BoldItalic [lilypond-century-schoolbook-l-fonts] Century Schoolbook L, Roma [lilypond-century-schoolbook-l-fonts] Comic040Sans040MS0408b, 040Bold texlive-texmf-fonts Comic040Sans040MS0408b, 040Bold040Italic texlive-texmf-fonts Comic040Sans040MS0408b, 040Italic texlive-texmf-fonts David CLM, BoldItalic [culmus-david-clm-fonts] David CLM, MediumItalic [culmus-david-clm-fonts] DejaVu LGC Sans, Condensed Bold [dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts] DejaVu LGC Sans, Condensed Bold Oblique [dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts] DejaVu LGC Serif, Condensed Bold [dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts] DejaVu LGC Serif, Condensed Bold Italic [dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts] DejaVu Sans, Condensed Bold [dejavu-sans-fonts] DejaVu Sans, Condensed Bold Oblique [dejavu-sans-fonts] DejaVu Serif, Condensed Bold [dejavu-serif-fonts] DejaVu Serif, Condensed Bold Italic [dejavu-serif-fonts] Edrip, BoldItalic [apanov-edrip-fonts] Emmentaler, 11 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 13 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 14 koffice-core [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 16 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 18 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 20 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 23 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Emmentaler, 26 [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] Essays1743, BoldItalic [thibault-essays1743-fonts] European Computer Modern, Bold Extended 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern, Italic Regular 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern, Oblique Regular 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern, Regular Extended 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern, Roman Regular 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern Sans, Regular 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern, Small caps Regular 10pt TeXmacs European Computer Modern Typewriter, Regular 10pt TeXmacs feta11, .22 [lilypond-feta-fonts] feta14, .14 [lilypond-feta-fonts] feta-alphabet11, .22 [lilypond-feta-alphabet-fonts] feta-alphabet14, .14 [lilypond-feta-alphabet-fonts] feta-braces-a, 20 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-b, 40 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-c, 60 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-d, 80 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-e, 100 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-f, 120 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-g, 140 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-h, 160 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] feta-braces-i, 180 [lilypond-feta-braces-fonts] Fixed, ja xorg-x11-fonts-misc Fixed, ko xorg-x11-fonts-misc Fixed, Oblique SemiCondensed xorg-x11-fonts-misc FreeMono, BoldOblique [gnu-free-mono-fonts] tuxpaint FreeSans, BoldOblique [gnu-free-sans-fonts] tuxpaint xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server FreeSerif, BoldItalic [gnu-free-serif-fonts] tuxpaint fxd, Bold Italic semicondensed [japanese-bitmap-fonts] fxd, Italic semicondensed [japanese-bitmap-fonts] Garuda, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-garuda-fonts] Geometr415 Lt BT, Lite e16-themes Geometr415 Lt BT, Lite Italic e16-themes , Gothic-Regular [sazanami-gothic-fonts] tuxpaint Heuristica, BoldItalic [apanov-heuristica-fonts] Inuit, b texlive-texmf-fonts Inuit, o texlive-texmf-fonts Kerkis, Bold SmallCaps [ctan-kerkis-serif-fonts] KerkisSans, SmallCaps [ctan-kerkis-sans-fonts] Kerkis, Small Caps [ctan-kerkis-serif-fonts] Kinnari, BoldItalic [thai-scalable-kinnari-fonts] Kinnari, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-kinnari-fonts] Laconic, Shadow [woodardworks-laconic-shadow-fonts] Latin Modern Typewriter, Regular 10 texlive-texmf-fonts LettErrorRobot, Chrome python-reportlab Letters Laughing, at their Execution [chisholm-letterslaughing-fonts] Letters Laughing, by Quantized and Calibrated [chisholm-letterslaughing-fonts] Letters Laughing, Dissection and Destruction [chisholm-letterslaughing-fonts] LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden, 10 rosegarden4-feta-fonts LilyPond-feta-rosegarden, 20 rosegarden4-feta-fonts LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden, 20 rosegarden4-parmesan-fonts LMMathItalic10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMMathItalic5, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMMathItalic7, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMMathSymbols10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMMathSymbols5, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMMathSymbols7, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, BoldOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, CapsOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, CapsRegular texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, DemiOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, Dunhill texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, DunhillOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMRoman10, Unslanted texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans10, BoldOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans10, DemiCondensed texlive-texmf-fonts LMSans10, DemiCondensedOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMSansQuotation8, BoldOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, CapsOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, CapsRegular texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, Dark texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, DarkOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, LightCondensed texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, LightCondensedOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriter10, LightOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriterVarWd10, Dark texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriterVarWd10, DarkOblique texlive-texmf-fonts LMTypewriterVarWd10, LightOblique texlive-texmf-fonts Loma, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-loma-fonts] Lucida, Sans xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi Lucida, Sans Bold xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi Lucida, Sans Bold Italic xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi Lucida, Sans Italic xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi LucidaTypewriter, Sans xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi LucidaTypewriter, Sans Bold xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi MathDesign-CH, Bold Extension 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold Italic MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold Italic OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold Italic T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold Italic TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold MathDesignSymbolA 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold MathDesignSymbolB 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold Symbol 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Bold TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Extension 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic OT1 5 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic OT1 6 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic OT1 7 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic OT1 8 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic OT1 9 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Italic TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular MathDesignSymbolA 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular MathDesignSymbolB 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular OT1 5 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular OT1 6 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular OT1 7 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular OT1 8 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular OT1 9 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular Symbol 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-CH, Regular TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium Extension 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium Italic MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium Italic OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium Italic T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium Italic TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium MathDesignSymbolA 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium MathDesignSymbolB 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium Symbol 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Medium TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular Extension 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular Italic MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular Italic OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular Italic T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular Italic TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular MathDesignSymbolA 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular MathDesignSymbolB 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular Symbol 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-GM, Regular TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold Extension 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold Italic MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold Italic OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold Italic T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold Italic TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold MathDesignSymbolA 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold MathDesignSymbolB 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold Symbol 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Bold TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular Extension 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular Italic MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular Italic OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular Italic T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular Italic TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular MathDesignSymbolA 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular MathDesignSymbolB 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular MathItalic 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular OT1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular Symbol 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular T1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MathDesign-UT, Regular TS1 10 texlive-texmf-fonts MgOpen Modata, BoldOblique [mgopen-modata-fonts] MgOpen Moderna, BoldOblique [mgopen-moderna-fonts] , Mincho-Regular [sazanami-mincho-fonts] Miriam Mono CLM, Book Oblique [culmus-miriam-mono-clm-fonts] MScore1, 20 [mscore-fonts] MScore, 20 [mscore-fonts] Nimbus Mono L, Regular Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts Nimbus Roman No9 L, Regular Italic texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts Nimbus Sans L, Regular Condensed texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts Nimbus Sans L, Regular Condensed Italic texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts Nimbus Sans L, Regular Italic texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts Norasi, BoldItalic [thai-scalable-norasi-fonts] Norasi, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-norasi-fonts] ntedfont, 20 [nted-ntedfont-fonts] OmegaSerifCommon, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts OmegaSerifGreek, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts OmegaSerifLatin, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts PaperCuts 2.0, BoldOblique [extremetuxracer-papercuts-fonts] [extremetuxracer-papercuts-outline-fonts] parmesan11, .22 [lilypond-parmesan-fonts] parmesan14, .14 [lilypond-parmesan-fonts] PLMathItalic10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts PLMathSymbols10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts PLRoman10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts PLSans10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts PLSlanted10, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiChancery, MediumItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiCourier, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiCourier, RegularItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiCourierTTF, Regular Italic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiSwiss, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiSwissCondensed, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiSwissCondensed, RegularItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiSwissCondensedTTF, Regular Italic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiSwiss, RegularItalic texlive-texmf-fonts QuasiSwissTTF, Regular Italic texlive-texmf-fonts RaghuMalayalam, Sans [smc-raghumalayalam-fonts] Sawasdee, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-sawasdee-fonts] Steve, Hand [sj-stevehand-fonts] TeX040cmex7, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040cmex8, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040cmex9, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040feybl10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040feybo10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040feybr10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040feyml10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040feymo10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040feymr10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040hcaption, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040hclassic, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pccsc10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcmi10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcr10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcr5, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcr6, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcr7, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcr8, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcr9, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcsl10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcslc9, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeX040pcti10, 040Regular texlive-texmf-fonts TeXGyreBonum, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts TeXGyrePagella, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts TeXGyreSchola, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts TeXGyreTermes, BoldItalic texlive-texmf-fonts TeX Palladio L, Bold Italic Old Style Figures texlive-texmf-fonts TeX Palladio L, Bold Old Style Figures texlive-texmf-fonts TeX Palladio L, Italic Old Style Figures texlive-texmf-fonts TeX Palladio L, Small Caps & Old Style Figures texlive-texmf-fonts TlwgMono, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-tlwgmono-fonts] TlwgTypewriter, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-tlwgtypewriter-fonts] Tlwg Typist, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-tlwgtypist-fonts] Tlwg Typo, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-tlwgtypo-fonts] Umpush, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-umpush-fonts] Umpush, LightOblique [thai-scalable-umpush-fonts] URW Bookman L, Demi Bold texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts URW Bookman L, Demi Bold Italic texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts URW Gothic L, Book Oblique texlive-texmf-fonts urw-fonts Vietnamese040Computer040Modern, Medium040 texlive-texmf-fonts Vn TeX Palladio L, Small Caps & Old Style Figures texlive-texmf-fonts Waree, BoldOblique [thai-scalable-waree-fonts] XYATIP, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYBSQL, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYBTIP, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYCIRC, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYCMAT, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYCMBT, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYDASH, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYEUAT, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts XYEUBT, 10 texlive-texmf-fonts
⇒ 481 files (38 MiB) in 62 packages (149 MiB) generated from 30 source packages.
☛ This WWS-like test checks if font faces use the: “weight width slant [regular]” naming convention. (Microsoft resolves over a combined “Family Face” string, since our applications use “Family” and “Face” separately this test considers “Face” alone. We also reject weight abbreviations and suffixes, if a font uses them check compliance manually.) If your font is listed here please ask its upstream to fix its naming.
– exact file duplication (ignoring multilib): ☛ Ignoring multilib to keep it short
/usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/kaname-latin1.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/knm12pb.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/knm12p.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/knmzn12xb.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/knmzn12x.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch]
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/charter/bchri8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/c0649bt_.pfb xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/e16/themes/BlueSteel/ABOUT/vixar.ttf e16-themes.noarch /usr/share/e16/themes/BlueSteel/ttfonts/vixar.ttf e16-themes.noarch
/usr/share/tuxpaint/fonts/FreeMonoBold.ttf tuxpaint.x86_64 /usr/share/xplanet/fonts/FreeMonoBold.ttf xplanet.x86_64
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/zapfding/uzdr.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/d050000l.pfb urw-fonts.noarch
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/urw/symbol/usyr.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/s050000l.pfb urw-fonts.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/putb.pfa ghostscript-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/UTB_____.pfa xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/courier/pcrbi8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/courier/pcrbo8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraIt.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraIt.ttf k3d.x86_64 /usr/share/poker3d/data/VeraIt.ttf poker3d-data.noarch /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/fonts/VeraIt.ttf python-reportlab.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/hanglg16.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/hanglg16.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-9.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraMoIt.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraMoIt.ttf k3d.x86_64
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/charter/bchbi8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/c0633bt_.pfb xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/xpilot-ng/fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf xpilot-ng-server.x86_64 /usr/share/xpilot-ng/fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique.ttf xpilot-ng.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/gb16fs.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/gb16fs.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnBatangBold.ttf un-core-fonts-batangbold.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnBatangBold.ttf un-core-fonts-batang.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraMoBI.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraMoBI.ttf k3d.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/un-extra/UnPenheulim.ttf un-extra-fonts-penheulim.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-extra/UnPenheulim.ttf un-extra-fonts-pen.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnDinaruLight.ttf un-core-fonts-dinarulight.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnDinaruLight.ttf un-core-fonts-dinaru.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnPilgiBold.ttf un-core-fonts-pilgibold.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnPilgiBold.ttf un-core-fonts-pilgi.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-5.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraSe.ttf [bitstream-vera-serif-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraSe.ttf k3d.x86_64 /usr/games/vulturesclaw/fonts/VeraSe.ttf nethack-vultures.x86_64 /usr/games/vultureseye/fonts/VeraSe.ttf nethack-vultures.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/shnm8x16r.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/shnm8x16r.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64
/usr/share/e16/themes/BrushedMetal-Tigert/ABOUT/aircut3.ttf e16-themes.noarch /usr/share/e16/themes/ShinyMetal/ABOUT/aircut3.ttf e16-themes.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnGraphicBold.ttf un-core-fonts-graphicbold.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnGraphicBold.ttf un-core-fonts-graphic.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-2.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-8.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/jisksp16-1990.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/fonts/jisksp16-1990/jisksp16-1990.pcf.gz jisksp16-1990-fonts.noarch
/usr/share/e16/themes/Ganymede/ABOUT/ganymede.ttf e16-themes.noarch /usr/share/e16/themes/Ganymede/ttfonts/ganymede.ttf e16-themes.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/google-droid/DroidSansFallback.ttf [google-droid-sans-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/hedgewars/Data/Fonts/DroidSansFallback.ttf hedgewars.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-14.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/charter/bchr8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/c0648bt_.pfb xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-15.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/putri.pfa ghostscript-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/UTI_____.pfa xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/putr.pfa ghostscript-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/UTRG____.pfa xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/courier/pcri8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/courier/pcrro8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x13-ISO8859-7.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnDotumBold.ttf un-core-fonts-dotumbold.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnDotumBold.ttf un-core-fonts-dotum.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts.noarch] /usr/lib64/flumotion/python/flumotion/component/converters/overlay/Vera.ttf flumotion.x86_64 /usr/share/k3d/fonts/Vera.ttf k3d.x86_64 /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/fonts/Vera.ttf python-reportlab.noarch
/usr/share/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/charter/bchb8a.pfb texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/c0632bt_.pfb xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/doc/faust-doc- faust-doc.x86_64 /usr/share/doc/libeXosip2-devel-3.1.0/latex/FreeSans.ttf libeXosip2-devel.i586 /usr/share/doc/openscap-devel-0.3.3/latex/FreeSans.ttf openscap-devel.i586 /usr/share/doc/scim-doc-1.4.9/html/FreeSans.ttf scim-doc.x86_64 /usr/share/doc/stxxl-doc-1.2.1/latex/FreeSans.ttf stxxl-doc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnDinaruBold.ttf un-core-fonts-dinarubold.noarch /usr/share/fonts/un-core/UnDinaruBold.ttf un-core-fonts-dinaru.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraBd.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraBd.ttf k3d.x86_64 /usr/share/poker3d/data/VeraBd.ttf poker3d-data.noarch /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/fonts/VeraBd.ttf python-reportlab.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraMoBd.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraMoBd.ttf k3d.x86_64 /usr/share/xpilot-ng/fonts/VeraMoBd.ttf xpilot-ng-server.x86_64 /usr/share/xpilot-ng/fonts/VeraMoBd.ttf xpilot-ng.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/japanese-bitmap/shnmk16.pcf.gz [japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/shnmk16.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraMono.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraMono.ttf k3d.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraSeBd.ttf [bitstream-vera-serif-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraSeBd.ttf k3d.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript/putbi.pfa ghostscript-fonts.noarch /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/UTBI____.pfa xorg-x11-fonts-Type1.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/japanese/efont-unicode-bdf/b16.pcf.gz [efont-unicode-bdf.noarch] /usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/b16.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64
/usr/share/fonts/jfbterm/8x16.pcf.gz jfbterm.x86_64 /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/8x16.pcf.gz xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch
/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/VeraBI.ttf [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts.noarch] /usr/share/k3d/fonts/VeraBI.ttf k3d.x86_64 /usr/share/poker3d/data/VeraBI.ttf poker3d-data.noarch /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/fonts/VeraBI.ttf python-reportlab.noarch
⇒ 122 files (43 MiB) in 42 packages (346 MiB) generated from 27 source packages.
– font faces duplicated by different packages: ☛ Excluding multilib and PCF fonts (because they are pretty much hopeless).
9 FreeSans Medium faust-doc [gnu-free-sans-fonts] libeXosip2-devel openscap-devel poker3d-data scim-doc stxxl-doc tuxpaint widelands 4 FreeSerif Medium [gnu-free-serif-fonts] poker2d tuxpaint widelands 4 FreeSans BoldOblique [gnu-free-sans-fonts] tuxpaint xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server 4 FreeSans Bold [gnu-free-sans-fonts] poker3d-data pygame tuxpaint 4 Bitstream Vera Sans Roman [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts] flumotion k3d python-reportlab 4 Bitstream Vera Sans Oblique [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts] k3d poker3d-data python-reportlab 4 Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts] k3d xpilot-ng xpilot-ng-server 4 Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Oblique [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts] k3d poker3d-data python-reportlab 4 Bitstream Vera Sans Bold [bitstream-vera-sans-fonts] k3d poker3d-data python-reportlab 3 FreeMono Bold [gnu-free-mono-fonts] tuxpaint xplanet 3 DejaVu Sans Book [dejavu-sans-fonts] glob2 pgfouine 3 Bitstream Vera Serif Roman [bitstream-vera-serif-fonts] k3d nethack-vultures 2 UnPilgi Bold un-core-fonts-pilgi un-core-fonts-pilgibold 2 UnPenheulim Regular un-extra-fonts-pen un-extra-fonts-penheulim 2 UnGraphic Bold un-core-fonts-graphic un-core-fonts-graphicbold 2 UnDotum Bold un-core-fonts-dotum un-core-fonts-dotumbold 2 UnDinaru Light un-core-fonts-dinaru un-core-fonts-dinarulight 2 UnDinaru Bold un-core-fonts-dinaru un-core-fonts-dinarubold 2 UnBatang Bold un-core-fonts-batang un-core-fonts-batangbold 2 Tuffy Regular ImageMagick-perl [tulrich-tuffy-fonts] 2 PaperCuts 2.0 BoldOblique [extremetuxracer-papercuts-fonts] [extremetuxracer-papercuts-outline-fonts] 2 Lohit Hindi Regular [lohit-hindi-fonts] tuxtype2 2 Lohit Gujarati Regular [lohit-gujarati-fonts] tuxpaint 2 Liberation Sans Regular [liberation-sans-fonts] phoronix-test-suite 2 Garuda Bold [thai-scalable-garuda-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeSerif Italic [gnu-free-serif-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeSerif BoldItalic [gnu-free-serif-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeSerif Bold [gnu-free-serif-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeSans Oblique [gnu-free-sans-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeMono Oblique [gnu-free-mono-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeMono Medium [gnu-free-mono-fonts] tuxpaint 2 FreeMono BoldOblique [gnu-free-mono-fonts] tuxpaint 2 Emmentaler 14 koffice-core [lilypond-emmentaler-fonts] 2 Droid Sans Fallback Regular [google-droid-sans-fonts] hedgewars 2 Doulos SIL Regular [sil-doulos-fonts] tuxtype2 2 DejaVu Sans Condensed [dejavu-sans-fonts] tuxpaint 2 Bitstream Vera Serif Bold [bitstream-vera-serif-fonts] k3d 2 Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Roman [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts] k3d 2 Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Oblique [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts] k3d 2 Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold Oblique [bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts] k3d
⇒ 107 files (54 MiB) in 54 packages (312 MiB) generated from 36 source packages.
☛ Face duplication wastes resources infrastructure and user side. Very often an upstream that copied some fonts will forget to keep them up to date, and the duplication will result in the distribution of old buggy data. Even if some duplicate font files are a genuine fork with different features from the original, applications won't be able to select them relyably because of naming collisions. We should alway ship a single version of any font face in a dedicated font package, and use fontconfig or symlinks to share it accross packages.
– font faces duplicated within a package (ignoring legacy formats): dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts DejaVu LGC Serif Condensed /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuLGCSerifCondensed-Italic.ttf dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts DejaVu LGC Serif Condensed /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuLGCSerifCondensed.ttf dejavu-serif-fonts DejaVu Serif Condensed /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic.ttf dejavu-serif-fonts DejaVu Serif Condensed /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSerifCondensed.ttf e16-themes AirCut OneHundedandOne /usr/share/e16/themes/BrushedMetal-Tigert/ABOUT/aircut3.ttf e16-themes AirCut OneHundedandOne /usr/share/e16/themes/ShinyMetal/ABOUT/aircut3.ttf e16-themes Geometr415 Lt BT Lite /usr/share/e16/themes/Ganymede/ABOUT/ganymede.ttf e16-themes Geometr415 Lt BT Lite /usr/share/e16/themes/Ganymede/ttfonts/ganymede.ttf e16-themes Vixar ASCI Regular /usr/share/e16/themes/BlueSteel/ABOUT/vixar.ttf e16-themes Vixar ASCI Regular /usr/share/e16/themes/BlueSteel/ttfonts/vixar.ttf nethack-vultures Bitstream Vera Serif Roman /usr/games/vulturesclaw/fonts/VeraSe.ttf nethack-vultures Bitstream Vera Serif Roman /usr/games/vultureseye/fonts/VeraSe.ttf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Bold /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntDisBol.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Bold /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntSmaBol.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Bold /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntUpBol.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Bold /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntUpDisBol.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Bold /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntUpSmaBol.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Regular /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntDis.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Regular /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntSma.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Regular /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntUpDis.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Regular /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntUp.otf stix-integrals-fonts STIXIntegrals Regular /usr/share/fonts/stix/STIXIntUpSma.otf xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic Goha-Tibeb Zemen Regular /usr/share/X11/fonts/OTF/GohaTibebZemen.otf xorg-x11-fonts-ethiopic Goha-Tibeb Zemen Regular /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/GohaTibebZemen.ttf
⇒ 24 files (1 MiB) in 6 packages (48 MiB) generated from 5 source packages.
☛ Face duplication within a package is almost certainly a bug, except for special symbol font families.
— packages that mix several font families (ignoring legacy formats): texlive-texmf-fonts (47) tuxpaint (15) kacst-fonts (15) mathml-fonts (10) stix-sizes-fonts (5) e16-themes (5) tuxtype2 (4) poker3d-data (4) k3d (4) wine-core (3) widelands (3) khmeros-muol-fonts (3) khmeros-base-fonts (3) xpilot-ng-server (2) xpilot-ng (2) un-extra-fonts-pen (2) serafettin-cartoon-fonts (2) senamirmir-washra-fonts (2) python-reportlab (2) paktype-fonts (2) mscore-fonts (2) linux-libertine-fonts (2) khmeros-handwritten-fonts (2) google-droid-sans-fonts (2)
☛ Reliable font autoinstallation requires shipping only one font family per font package. This indicates problems in the packaging or the packaged font metadata.
– packages that symlink font files: blender childsplay cjkuni-fonts-compat directfb e16 egoboo-data ember-media enigma extremetuxracer fillets-ng-data freecol gnubg hedgewars htmldoc libprojectM lincity-ng-data manaworld mapserver moodle moodle-km moodle-sm moodle-to munin neverball nted ogre-samples php-ZendFramework-tests pokerth rosegarden4 scorched3d sdljava-demo seahorse-adventures simspark spring stellarium tex-cm-lgc tex-kerkis TnL-data trackballs wesnoth-data wormux-data xmoto xplanet
⇒ 205 files (0 MiB) in 46 packages (1015 MiB) generated from 40 source packages.
5 most symlinked packages: 29 dejavu-sans-fonts-0:2.29-3.fc12.noarch 8 dejavu-sans-mono-fonts-0:2.29-3.fc12.noarch 3 bitstream-vera-sans-fonts-0:1.10-17.fc12.noarch 2 urw-fonts-0:2.4-7.fc11.noarch 2 dejavu-serif-fonts-0:2.29-3.fc12.noarch
☛ Symlinking font files is a way for non-font packages to comply with guidelines and avoid duplicating files, but it is also a symptom of missing or incomplete fontconfig support in the package. Please ask upstream to use fontconfig (possibly, via a higher-level library such as pangocairo).
– broken symlinks to font files: /usr/share/ember/media/shared/core/DejaVuSans.ttf → /usr/share/fonts/devaju/DejaVuSans.ttf ember-media-0:0.5.6-1.noarch /usr/share/fillets-ng/font/font_console.ttf → /usr/share/fonts/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf fillets-ng-data-0:0.8.1-3.noarch /usr/share/fillets-ng/font/font_menu.ttf → /usr/share/fonts/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf fillets-ng-data-0:0.8.1-3.noarch /usr/share/fillets-ng/font/font_subtitle.ttf → /usr/share/fonts/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf fillets-ng-data-0:0.8.1-3.noarch /usr/share/doc/mapserver-5.4.1/tests/vera/VeraBd.ttf → /usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/Verabd.ttf mapserver-0:5.4.1-1.fc12.x86_64 /usr/share/wesnoth/fonts/sazanami-gothic.ttf → /usr/share/fonts/sazanami-fonts-gothic/sazanami-gothic.ttf wesnoth-data-0:1.6.2-1.fc12.noarch
⇒ 6 files (0 MiB) in 4 packages (501 MiB) generated from 4 source packages.
– packages with fonts rpmlint errors on: [cjkuni-uming-fonts] e16-themes flumotion fonts-ISO8859-2 fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi groff k3d kdebase3 kdebase-workspace koffice-core [liberation-mono-fonts] nethack-vultures phoronix-test-suite python-reportlab texlive-texmf-doc TeXmacs wine-core [wqy-zenhei-fonts] xpilot-ng-server
⇒ 461 files (37 MiB) in 21 packages (331 MiB) generated from 18 source packages.
– packages with font files not identified as such by libmagic: 12 a2ps-0:4.14-8.fc11.x86_64 (a2ps-4.14-8.fc11.src.rpm) 12 a2ps-0:4.14-8.fc11.i586 (a2ps-4.14-8.fc11.src.rpm) 5 japanese-bitmap-fonts-0:0.20080710-5.fc11.noarch (japanese-bitmap-fonts-0.20080710-5.fc11.src.rpm)
⇒ 29 files (0 MiB) in 3 packages (24 MiB) generated from 2 source packages.
☛ Either libmagic has a bug or the files are malformed and need to be fixed or dumped.
– packages with font files fc-query can not parse: 225 xorg-x11-fonts-misc-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 190 fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi-0:1.0-20.fc11.noarch (fonts-ISO8859-2-1.0-20.fc11.src.rpm) 190 fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi-0:1.0-20.fc11.noarch (fonts-ISO8859-2-1.0-20.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-75dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-9-100dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-75dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-2-100dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-75dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-15-100dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-75dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 186 xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-14-100dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 159 japanese-bitmap-fonts-0:0.20080710-5.fc11.noarch (japanese-bitmap-fonts-0.20080710-5.fc11.src.rpm) 154 terminus-fonts-0:4.28-8.fc11.noarch (terminus-fonts-4.28-8.fc11.src.rpm) 114 fonts-KOI8-R-75dpi-0:1.0-11.fc11.noarch (fonts-KOI8-R-1.0-11.fc11.src.rpm) 82 xorg-x11-fonts-cyrillic-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 60 fonts-KOI8-R-100dpi-0:1.0-11.fc11.noarch (fonts-KOI8-R-1.0-11.fc11.src.rpm) 42 baekmuk-bdf-fonts-0:2.2-7.fc11.noarch (baekmuk-bdf-fonts-2.2-7.fc11.src.rpm) 32 x3270-x11-0:3.3.6-8.fc11.x86_64 (x3270-3.3.6-8.fc11.src.rpm) 24 mona-bitmap-fonts-0:2.90-8.fc11.noarch (monafont-2.90-8.fc11.src.rpm) 16 fonts-KOI8-R-0:1.0-11.fc11.noarch (fonts-KOI8-R-1.0-11.fc11.src.rpm) 15 fonts-ISO8859-2-0:1.0-20.fc11.noarch (fonts-ISO8859-2-1.0-20.fc11.src.rpm) 13 a2ps-0:4.14-8.fc11.x86_64 (a2ps-4.14-8.fc11.src.rpm) 13 a2ps-0:4.14-8.fc11.i586 (a2ps-4.14-8.fc11.src.rpm) 12 jfbterm-0:0.4.7-21.fc11.x86_64 (jfbterm-0.4.7-21.fc11.src.rpm) 8 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 8 xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi-0:7.2-8.fc11.noarch (xorg-x11-fonts-7.2-8.fc11.src.rpm) 6 kst-0:1.7.0-6.fc11.x86_64 (kst-1.7.0-6.fc11.src.rpm) 6 kst-0:1.7.0-6.fc11.i586 (kst-1.7.0-6.fc11.src.rpm) 4 knm_new-fonts-0:1.1-5.fc11.noarch (knm_new-fonts-1.1-5.fc11.src.rpm) 2 libdockapp-fonts-0:0.6.2-2.fc11.x86_64 (libdockapp-0.6.2-2.fc11.src.rpm) 2 groff-0: (groff- 1 jisksp16-1990-fonts-0:0.983-4.fc11.noarch (jisksp16-1990-fonts-0.983-4.fc11.src.rpm)
⇒ 2866 files (54 MiB) in 32 packages (73 MiB) generated from 15 source packages.
☛ Either fontconfig has a bug or the files are malformed and need to be fixed or dumped.
– packages with localized metadata but no English variant: /usr/share/fonts/gfs-theokritos/GFSTheokritos.otf gfs-theokritos-fonts-0:20070415-13.fc11.noarch /usr/share/fonts/sazanami/gothic/sazanami-gothic.ttf sazanami-gothic-fonts-0:0.20040629-7.20061016.fc11.noarch /usr/share/fonts/sazanami/mincho/sazanami-mincho.ttf sazanami-mincho-fonts-0:0.20040629-7.20061016.fc11.noarch /usr/share/tuxpaint/fonts/locale/ja.ttf tuxpaint-1:0.9.20-3.fc11.x86_64 /usr/share/tuxpaint/fonts/locale/zh_tw.ttf tuxpaint-1:0.9.20-3.fc11.x86_64
⇒ 5 files (18 MiB) in 4 packages (18 MiB) generated from 3 source packages.
☛ The font files need to be fixed to declare metadata in English too.
¹ Yes I know I'm a few weeks late; this report just proved to be unusually long; besides it's supposed to be *irregular*, ok? ² First there was not enough documentation, then there was too much, etc ³ There is a trick here.