The Fedora 30 schedule was approved by FESCo. Highlights are available on the wiki[1], with the full schedule — including subproject-specific tasks and milestones — on[2].
The schedule structure is largely the same with a few key changes:
* Proposed Changes that require changes to Fedora infrastructure now have an explicit deadline pinned to 4 weeks before the start of the mass rebuild window. * Election nominations and questionnaire development will occur in parallel to allow time for Marketing to record and publish a Fedora Podcast episode with candidates.
Prior to the development of the Fedora 31 schedule, I will work with subprojects to evaluate the existing milestones for relevance and accuracy. In the meantime, if you have any questions or suggestions you can email me or join the weekly FPgM Office Hours on Wednesday at 1300 UTC in #fedora-meeting.
[1] [2]