At the Fedora 15 Final Go/No-Go meeting today, the Fedora 15 Final Release was declared GOLD and ready for release on May 24, 2011.
Please note that the Fedora 15 Release Wide Readiness Meeting will take place on Thursday at 19:00 UTC (3 PM Eastern/ 12 PM Pacific) on in #fedora-meeting.
Thanks to everyone for doing your part to get Fedora 15 out the door! :)
============================================== #fedora-meeting: Fedora 15 Go or No go Meeting ==============================================
Meeting started by rbergeron at 21:00:33 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary --------------- * Who's here? (rbergeron, 21:00:54)
* Why are we here? (rbergeron, 21:02:11) * The purpose of this meeting is to decide whether the final release criteria have been met (rbergeron, 21:02:30) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:02:50)
* To Go, or Not to Go? That is the question. (rbergeron, 21:03:51) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:04:16) * the four proposed blockers are not blockers, per yesterday's QA meeting. (rbergeron, 21:07:04) * AGREED: We are technically blocker free. (rbergeron, 21:09:57)
* Test Matrices (rbergeron, 21:10:13) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:10:48) * LINK: (rbergeron, 21:11:10) * We will be composing a sugar live image late with some sugar-specific fixes pulled in. (rbergeron, 21:12:49) * Only desktop and KDE can block the release. (rbergeron, 21:13:03) * AGREED: Test matrices are acceptable for a go. (rbergeron, 21:13:45)
* Rel-eng (rbergeron, 21:14:11)
* FESCo/Devel (rbergeron, 21:15:14)
* GOLD? (rbergeron, 21:16:31) * AGREED: Fedora 15 is declared gold. shipit! (rbergeron, 21:18:09)
* open floor (rbergeron, 21:18:48) * Thanks to the systemd and gnome/desktop guys as both groups did a lot of work to get those large features working well. (rbergeron, 21:19:30) * and Thanks! to everyone else as well! (rbergeron, 21:19:36) * ACTION: rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists (rbergeron, 21:19:58) * Please note there is a readiness meeting on Thursday, email has been sent to logistics list as well as attendees needed to be present. (rbergeron, 21:20:21)
Meeting ended at 21:22:46 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * rbergeron * rbergeron to send out GOLD email to the lists * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * rbergeron (58) * adamw (29) * dgilmore (8) * cwickert (6) * Viking-Ice_ (6) * brunowolff (5) * jsmith (4) * zodbot (3) * stickster (3) * nirik99 (3) * spot (3) * fenrus02 (2) * jlaska (2) * red_alert (1) * therefore (1) * athmane (1)
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