tl;dr: a scriptlet has been added to the fedora-release package that performs a _one time_ "dnf module reset eclipse" operation when fedora-release is upgraded. The update that does this is now in bodhi [1].
This was decided in a FESCo ticket [2] to solve bugzilla #1780827 [3] and has a "F31 Common bugs" entry [4].
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Longer explanation, quoting [4] in full:
For a brief period, the eclipse module was a "default" module in Fedora 31 (meaning that a 'dnf install <package>' command would enable the module and install the modular version of <package> if <package> is part of the module). Such "shadowing" of non-modular packages is expected with modules, but the eclipse module was shadowing more packages than it should, so the module was made "non-default" again. Nevertheless, users who installed or upgraded affected packages in this window have the module persistently enabled and are not getting the non-modular versions of those rpms, even if those now have a higher version.
To resolve this issue, a scriptlet was added to the fedora-release package that performs a one time 'dnf module reset eclipse' operation. This solves the issue of unexpected shadowing of packages, but at the same time creates a problem for users who have the eclipse module enabled on purpose. They need to once re-enable the module if desired.
Summary: fedora-release performs a one-time disablement of eclipse module. Users who wish to have the module enabled should execute 'dnf module enable eclipse:latest' once more.
Zbyszek (on behalf of FESCo)