= Proposed Self Contained Change: Java/OpenJDK enforces the system-wide crypto policy = https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/JavaCryptoPolicies
Change owner(s): * Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos <nmav AT redhat DOT com>
As it is now, the System-wide crypto policy in F24 is only enforced by the OpenSSL and GnuTLS TLS libraries. To harmonize crypto across all applications in Fedora, including the Java ones, OpenJDK is enhanced to respect the settings of the system-wide crypto policy as well.
== Detailed Description == As it is now, the System-wide crypto policy in F24 is only enforced by the OpenSSL and GnuTLS TLS libraries. To harmonize crypto across all applications in Fedora, including the Java ones, OpenJDK is enhanced to respect the settings of the system-wide crypto policy as well.
After that change the administrator should be assured that any Java application will follow a policy that adheres to the configured profile.
== Scope == * Proposal owners: The change requires modifying OpenJDK to read additional security properties from the generated by the crypto policies file (/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/java.config).
* Other developers: There are no required actions by other developers. The change requires only targeted changes to openjdk and crypto-policies.
* Release engineering: No actions required.
* Policies and guidelines: The packaging guidelines for crypto policies need to be modified to include OpenJDK/java in the list of libraries supporting the policies.
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)